Marshall Lee


5 Reasons to Charge Flat Fees

Learn why flat fees are better than hourly billing for many self-employed individuals, and their clients

Pros and Cons of Using an Executive Office Suite

If your business has outgrown your kitchen table, then you might be in the market for an off-site office space. What about an executive office suite?

The Millionaire Self-Employed Freelancer

Is it really possible to become a millionaire when you freelance? You bet. Here are 3 strategies that work

Filing Taxes When You Are Self-Employed: Quarterly or Yearly?

If you've been in business for 12 months, and you're earning an income from your business, then it's time to get to work on your quarterly estimated taxes. Learn more now.

4 Tried and True Methods to Keep a Small Office Productive...

Learn 4 new ways to keep a small office productive and fun, from minimizing caffeine intake to keeping an eye on the thermostat, to

What To Do When You Lose That Big Client

When you own your own business, what do you do when the big client moves on? Panic? Nope. Here's how to make the best of a bad situation

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