Anna Johansson

Anna is the founder and CEO of Johansson Consulting where she works with businesses to create marketing and PR campaigns.

Should You Create an LLC for Your Freelance Business?

These days, it’s pretty easy to run a business as a freelancer. Thanks to the plethora of online tools available to ambitious young professionals,...

LLCs vs. Sole Proprietorship: What You Need to Know

Starting a business involves making a wide range of important choices during the early stages of your business’ growth. For example, as an entrepreneur,...

Why Solopreneurs Need Project Management Software

Project management software keeps teams on track to deliver finished projects on time and in accordance with a client’s requirements. However, you don’t need...

8 Things You Won’t Miss After Starting Your Own Business

Quitting your standard job and branching out to start your own business is an exciting and challenging experience. However, when you are in charge,...

The Tech Effect: What Software Makes Businesses More Efficient?

Running a small business is hard work, and unlike much larger corporations, you likely have to balance a variety of responsibilities without the option...

3 Reasons to Research Workforce Management Solutions Even When Your Business...

Successfully building a small business doesn’t merely involve addressing the tasks that are immediately relevant to your current needs and circumstances. It also requires...

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