What’s new in e-learning technologies?

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Today, we regularly hear about e-learning as it’s a fast-developing and extremely convenient concept that easily adapts to globalization and the educational sphere. The classrooms of today drastically differ from anything our grandparents, or even our parents generation experienced growing up. Presently, students learn in a highly developed electronic learning management ecosystem that uses technology to train and educate.

Undoubtedly, this process does not cover the whole planet. There are many developing countries that do not apply technologies to their curriculums, mainly due to a lack of financial support which is crucial for e-learning and its successful and productive integration.

Still, there are many developing countries that do manage to apply e-learning in the classroom even though they lack the finances. For many countries, implementation at any cost is considered highly-necessary as e-learning is essential for raising professional employees who in turn will be able to move their countries forward.

E-learning is not just about changing the system or the rules, it’s a powerful instrument that is used to push the entire world forward — the more we get from education, the more we can progress as a species. The intelligent will inherit and rule the world. That’s why so many world leaders consider e-learning to be a return investment.

Today, more and more parents are selecting the educational institutions they wish to enrol their children in based on the technological learning systems provided. Some parents will even go as far as enrolling their children abroad in order to provide them with access to artificial intelligence in e-learning, and all the other e-learning tools that may help them develop into the scientists and doctors of tomorrow.

If studying in an environment that does not provide e-learning, students will face impossible levels of competition with their peers who were trained with state-of-the-art technologies. The world is a highly competitive place, with industries and companies selecting only the most highly trained individuals. E-learning is not merely a new system, it’s a new way of thinking. E-learning means global comprehension and automatization for unlimited processes. First and foremost, it benefits the individual, as well as the collective — e-learning is for everyone.

The e-learning sphere is constantly developing, unveiling new trends, year after year — even dedicated educators have trouble keeping up with all of the advances. The e-learning of today offers a collaborative and inclusive approach. Present trends mirror the interests of those who are studying, from engaging formats, to relying on AR/VR and gamification.

E-learning is a type of learning process that appeals to electronic means in order to establish a more instructive and flexible learning atmosphere. It is accomplished and supported via online classes, automatization on all levels including both teaching and learning, interactive whiteboards, etc.

Today, e-learning is a dominant system to quickly pass knowledge between people of different ages and statuses. As it’s a comparatively new system, the concept is still changing and evolving constantly. Many e-learning functions can be found on ViewSonic platform and used there directly.

There are several trends that have highlighted areas for further development within e-learning and its role in the studying process. The following is a useful guide for students, professors, teachers, parents, and administrators who are interested in investing in the future development of the educational system.

Trends in e-Learning

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is an educational style characterized by an individual approach. The integration of such learning is generally accomplished by established assessments and algorithms, making it much more reliable, accurate, and fair approach compared to the arbitrary determinations of overworked teachers and professors.

As e-learning proceeds to develop, experiments will be conducted and completed, and widespread adoption will be initiated accordingly. The largest e-learning platforms have already begun offering adaptive learning services. Even though they are only in their infancy, they will continue to develop.

Social Learning

Social learning is a fundamental component of interaction among people. Social e-learning is conducted through online forums, electronic learning applications, class-wide chat-rooms, and various other platforms used to foster convenient and productive cooperation. Since social e-learning has appeared on the collaboration scene, it has proved to be extremely effective, and productive. Thanks to its collaborative capabilities, you may easily keep in touch with fellow students, peers, and professors whether you’re at home, on vacation, in the classroom, or abroad. Due to this, global e-platforms have become an integral part of social learning in frames of electronic studying. Keep in mind, this is only the beginning. As social learning apps progress, more collaborative instruments will be developed and implemented. In fact, social learning may become the spine of school-wide curriculums everywhere.

Video learning

As far as we know, there are several types of learners: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. It has been proven that education is more efficient when delivered through the means of vocals, videos, and practical demonstrations. Although educators, and society in general, have been aware of this fact for generations, education through auditory means has been the primary, and in many cases, the sole method used in education. Thanks to the advent of e-learning, video learning has finally found a place in the classroom, providing visual learners with a new means to prosper.

There are many other e-learning trends that are expected to take hold in the near future. For example, artificial intelligence, although still a little bit controversial, occupies a leading position among further trends in e-learning. Anyway, this field attracts more and more investments, and the only thing we expect from it is constant development.

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Michelle Brooks is the independent writer and blog editor. She specializes in e-learning, general education, career and self-development.