Who would have thought? Some of those who work at desks would rather stand than sit. Actually, there are a number of benefits to standing rather than sitting throughout the day. However, those who are not used to standing for hours may experience fatigue. In worst cases, a worker’s posture may suffer which defeats the healthy habit of standing while working. Here’s how to prevent fatigue.
Stand Up Right
Don’t assume standing is automatically healthy. According to experts, you want to gently clench your buttocks while doing the same with your stomach muscles. Apparently, that is the correct posture for standing. Otherwise, you want to adjust your keyboard and screen to a comfortable level. After some time, you will be able to tell if you need to adjust because you’ll feel sore.
Switch It Up
No, we’re not talking about switching standing on one foot, but it is good to rotate your position. Start standing in place with your attention to good posture and then move your feet more apart, back a bit, etc. Some experts suggest using a footstool to rest your feet while standing throughout the day.
Mind Your Bottom
There’s a difference between standing on concrete for eight hours and resting your feet on a cushiony surface. Therefore, consult online forums, your family doctor, and cohorts about a variety of surfaces to stand on all day. Some use an anti-fatigue mat. The mat keeps a person off balance which contracts the muscles and facilitates healthy blood flow.
Choose Comfy Shoes
Wearing comfy shoes logically follows the suggestion above. Whatever you’re resting your entire weight upon matters. You want all of the benefits of standing without feeling any negative short or long term effects from it. Consult online forums or ask your family doctor about a brand or kind of shoe that is most beneficial to standing. If you have a formal job, you may be able to switch shoes while standing behind your desk.
Cheat Every Now and Again
It’s okay to cheat and sit every now and again. Vary your posture by sitting, standing, and walking around at various intervals. Your body will naturally want to stretch in different positions. Plus, some workers believe in the Pomodoro technique, working for intervals of under an hour before taking a short break.
Exercise in Some Fashion
A number of forms of exercises remain popular such as pilates, yoga, cycling, etc. Aside from standing rather than sitting, you need to supplement the healthy effort with more exercise and stretching. Plus, all of that standing is bound to make you a little stiff. Added activity is good for the heart, cardio system, and a great way to stretch.
Don’t Underestimate Manufactured Solutions
Of course, you could fashion your computer on top of a desk, a few books, or other items to enable you to stand and type or work at the same time. However, don’t underestimate ergonomics and the benefit of a manufactured standing desk versus a do it yourself solution. Companies dedicate a lot of time, resources, and money toward finding optimal angles, so don’t be shy to shell out some money for a quality desk.
Have a Backup Reserved
Standing in place all day requires discipline and getting used to. Unlike other workers who spend time on their feet, desk workers stand in place which makes it more difficult to stand still and keep good posture. Have a backup seat reserved from times you feel as if you need a rest and would prefer to sit.
Search for the Benefit and Not the Feature
At times, manufacturers have us thinking in jargon rather than using terms that mirror the benefits of a product. For example, use a search engine to search for anti-fatigue mats and shoes. Find products from Amazon that target those with standing desks. Nevermind products that talk about the latest in technology; you need solutions that will support good posture and comfort.
Don’t Dismiss the Accessories
A standing desk is one ingredient in the recipe for better posture and health. Don’t dismiss accessories that can help. For example, some use an elliptical stepper while standing at their desk. Others use a deep tissue massager at night or during work breaks to soothe muscles. Cyclists have even used their bike set on a trainer while working between standing intervals. Accessories can make it easier to take breaks or make it more bearable to get used to standing for long periods.