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The Top 20 Magic Marketing Words That Compel or Repel
Words have power. We all know that. So which marketing words encourage subscribers to act, customers to buy, or donors to give? Here are the top 20
6 Free SEO Tools to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings
To help boost your rankings without calling in a webmaster, here are six free SEO tools for the time-strapped business owner.
Are You Making These “Epic” Content Crimes?
We’ve all done it. In an effort to craft a quick email or post, we commit a word crime
9 Things Your Online Store Should Have To Keep Customers Happy
Is your online store as customer-friendly as it could be? You want a visitor’s experience to be easy and enjoyable for them to make...
Five Things To Consider Before Re-Designing Your Website
Chances are, you probably put a lot of time and effort into launching your website. At some point, after you’ve been up and running...
Social Media & Your Business: Choosing the Best Platform
So you want to define a social media strategy for your business? The place to start is with a full understanding of the most widely-used social platforms, their unique purpose, and whether or not your business will be able to reach its target audience.