Will Insurance Cover Damage From a Hit and Run?

Being involved in a hit and run accident is very traumatizing. It is one of the most reckless and dangerous kinds of accidents. Drivers are required to stop and check on the victim or the situation of the accident. However, because of the fear of being at fault and getting in trouble, most drivers usually flee the scene. If you are or your loved one has been a victim of a hit-and-run and wondering if your insurance will cover the damage, here’s a guide to help you understand what to do insurance-wise in this unfortunate situation.

When you are coping with severe injuries after a hit and run accident, you are likely feeling the financial pressures of medical expenses and missed time from work. You are probably wondering who will pay for the crash.

Financial pressure is very common after a hit and run accident, most especially if you are recovering from severe injuries and have to file absence from work. If you have an insurance policy and are wondering if it can pay for the crash, the answer is YES! Your insurance can cover damage from a hit and run. Although it can be complicated, you can ask for a legal expert to investigate the crash, review all the possible sources of compensation, and explain your legal rights. You can check out Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A. here. See all the different possibilities of your claim. It may vary depending on the protection your policy can offer. You will be covered if your policy has these following coverages:

Collision Coverage

This is beneficial since you can claim this regardless if you found the driver or not. This coverage can pay for your vehicle’s repair if you hit your car (or other driver hits your vehicle). No matter whose fault it is, you can make a claim. However, you need to pay a deductible, a small amount of money, before your insurance company pays the rest of a claim.

Personal Injury Protection

Personal Injury Protection or PIP coverage is very valuable coverage. It applies regardless of who’s at fault in the accident. It covers income continuation, rehabilitation fees, and up to funeral expenses. However, coverage and deductible vary from state to state, and in many situations, it is not enough to cover the full cost of the accident.

Medical Payments Coverage

This coverage is not available in all of the states, however, if your state does have it, it doesn’t have any deductible. This coverage also helps in paying you, your family, and every one of your passenger’s medical costs.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Protection

If you have this coverage, you will be insured even if the driver that hit you doesn’t have insurance. This can help you pay for the financial losses you’ve suffered like medical expenses and lost wages. Besides, this type of coverage usually doesn’t have any deductible.

Most of the coverage has a limit, but there are plenty of coverage types under your insurance that can help you from a hit and run accident. It would be best to talk to your insurance company with a legal representative to recover any claims that you can get.

Samantha Acuna: Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, and Yahoo Small Business.

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