What To Do If Your TPD Claim Is Rejected

If you are in the position where you applied for a Temporary Permanent Disability (TPD) payout and it was rejected, you are likely feeling a range of negative emotions, most likely including anger, anxiety, and hopelessness. This serves to tell you that the journey does not end here and there are still options available to you to dispute the rejected claim and take matters further. Keep reading if you are in a similar situation and searching for some guidance on what to do from here.

Not only are you living with the stress and psychological impact of the circumstances that qualify you for TPD, but now you are facing the added emotional and financial burden of being denied your payout. On top of that, the process of applying for TPD was likely complicated and timeous. Possibly this payout is the answer to financial security for you and your loved ones. So what are your options from here?

First off, it could be that your claim was rejected due to a technicality that requires a simple process of correction. Depending on the complexity of this, it will inform your next steps as to whether you proceed independently, or seek legal counsel or another route, as discussed below.

Get Legal Assistance

With TPD, you are entitled to a payout if your illness or disability is significantly impacting your ability to earn, as well as engage in your usual daily activities. The legal and disability experts at Super Claims tell us that regardless of the ‘cause’ of your ailment or impairment, you may still qualify. Perhaps consider being reassessed by professionals who will look at your overall quality of life and how it has been affected, and then resubmit an application. In this situation, it would be advisable to consult legal advice from a firm that specializes in these types of cases.

File A Complaint

If you feel you have been unfairly overlooked, you should issue a complaint against your insurance provider. This can be done in either a personal or formal format. The provider will need to give you a clear indication of the grounds on which your claim was rejected, and this will help to allow you to see where you can adapt your application to re-apply.

Seek Help From An Ombudsman

Another route to take is seeking the assistance of a financial ombudsman. While these professionals cannot entirely solve the issue for you, they can provide a series of strategies and help you to consider the various options at your disposal. They also offer a source of support in hearing out your grievances.

While receiving the notice that your TPD has been rejected can be a gut-wrenching experience, it does not mean that this is the final outcome. There are several routes available for you to try and seek a different solution and receive that payout to which you are entitled. Hopefully, this guide can shed some light on a likely dark road, and help you to plot your next move in the process of disputing your claim rejection.

Samantha Acuna: Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, and Yahoo Small Business.

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