Weekly Roundup – Big Changes in Social Media

Don’t worry about missing out on the latest news in the world self-employment. This week we highlight some of the big announcements affecting social media, SXSW updates and more…


Pinterest Announces Web Analytics for Pinterest Business Accounts
Pinterest launched business accounts for Pinterest late last year. If you have one, they’ve upped the ante with internal analytics that will provide you data on everything from how many people are pinning from your website and clicking on your content to what pins your pinners like such as most repinned and most clicked. The site provides a nice video walkthrough shown at the link above.

Google Announces It’s Shutting Down Google Reader on July 1st
This announcement caused quite a stir as people went searching for alternative RSS readers. If you need help transitioning your Google feeds, consider using Google Takeout to help port your content over to another reader.

Tablets Offer Higher Click-Through Rates on Ads
If your company has or provides mobile ads, here’s something to think about…

“According to the comparison, click-through rates (CTRs) on tablets outperform smartphones for branding campaigns by 250 percent, but perhaps more surprising is the finding that tablets also beat smartphones for direct response campaigns, which are traditionally launched with less resources invested in the ad creative.”

SXSW Brings Out Creative Side of PR
If you missed the action at SXSW this year, check out these 24 ways brands promoted themselves to the crowds in the link above.

Last Week Facebook Announced a Redesign of the News Feed
TheNextWeb has gone through and given us a closer look at the new design and what it might mean for your business. One detail to note is the attention being given to images in the new layout.


“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” –Benjamin Franklin

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” –Bill Cosby

“The size of your dreams speaks volumes about the expansiveness of your inner spirit.” –Gonzo Arzuaga

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” -–Mario Andretti

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” -–John Maxwell



Team TSE: TheSelfEmployed.com is a Web portal for all things self-employed. The site aims to be your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know to have a fun and successful entrepreneurial journey. At the site, you will find relevant articles, how-to videos, podcasts, and special offers that are all designed specifically for the self-employed.

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