Using Social Media for Lead Generation

Most companies are using social media in some way, but more often than not they’re at a loss as to how they can best use the various platforms to generate business. That’s a shame, because social media sites are an excellent source of leads. Consider this – best-in-class companies are generating 3x more leads from social media than average companies. What does that tell you? There’s plenty of business to go around, if you know how to leverage the platforms to work in your favor.

Below is a breakdown of how to generate more leads using each of the main social media platforms.

Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts are a great way to ensure that your Facebook content is seen by the greatest number of people. As it stands now, your posts are only seen by a fraction of your whole audience, based on who’s online when you post, how cluttered individual timelines are, and also based on your Edge Rank. Promoting a post allows it to remain visible for up to three days after you create the post.

Twitter is an excellent venue for quick communication, but Tweetchats let you go a bit more in depth and easily communicate with an entirely new audience. It’s always worthwhile to provide value to people, and with Tweetchats you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry by contributing to the conversation in a meaningful, helpful way. Check out this list of established Tweetchats, or start your own and get a new conversation going!

On Google+, Hangouts On Air are the best way to connect with your customers and with industry leaders around the world. Hangouts On Air let you share your passion with a global audience, and get reactions, questions and added value in real time. For a longer lasting benefit, record your Hangout On Air and post it to Youtube. This allows it to be seen by people who were unaware of or couldn’t participate in the original Hangout, and also lets you add annotations, extra links and calls to action.

LinkedIn is sometimes forgotten when discussing social media, but perhaps a look at the numbers will begin to change some minds about that. While 90% of B2B marketers are using Facebook, only 47% are using LinkedIn. Despite that discrepancy, LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook or Twitter. To get the most out of LinkedIn, join some of the many Groups related to your business, or even branch out and start your own.

While Pinterest may not be a platform that will directly create leads, it can still be harnessed as a powerful tool to help drive sales. Not only does it allow you to provide a plethora of pictures of your products, but it also lets you give potential customers a sneak peek into your company. “Behind the Scenes” boards are a great way to let people get a closer look at your offices, staff, and processes. In addition, user-submitted shots of your products in the real world can help visitors visualize themselves using your product, which is a great first step toward converting them into paying customers.

Does your company have a special social media trick that helps generate business? Share it with us in the comments below!

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