Top 3 Tips on How to Write Winning Content as a Blogger

In an era in which digital media dominates, becoming a blogger has never been easier. But becoming a successful writer – that is another story. If you are in the business of blogging for a living and want to get to the point where you actually make good money out of it, you need to be able to provide exciting and clickable content. With the right material and monetisation tools, you could even end up making over $10,000 a month. How do you go about creating content that people are actually interested in?

Write about something that you are passionate about

There is tremendous competition out there in terms of blog content. According to blogging-related research, there are 500 million blogs on the internet, while 25% of all websites are blogs. Two new blog posts go up every second and a staggering 77% of internet users surveyed have responded that they regularly enjoy reading blogs. It makes sense, since there are all sorts of platforms like WordPress to get your blog started, so the technical side of things is taken care of. So why should people prefer your blog?

To begin with, pick something to write about that you are actually interested in. This will offer several advantages that will soon become apparent. For example, your enthusiasm will show in your writing – which will make it more engaging for readers. Imagine reading a blog piece on a survivor’s guide to navigating a corporate office workplace that is infused with the author’s own experiences – this would automatically make the story much more relatable to an audience. Of course, if you write about something you love, you will know what information or tips your readers are desperate for.

Pick a niche subject and factor in leading brands

With so many competitors out there, it is good to narrow things down in order to help your blog stand out. For instance, if you are passionate about games of chance, pick one game and carefully craft content spanning from the game’s history to tips and strategies that will offer even seasoned gamers a chance to learn a thing or two. A good tip is to look into brands associated with your niche target audience and to pick up on trends that your readership might be interested in. For instance, the entertainment industry has expanded and is still branching out into the mobile world. Established casino companies have not only expanded into the online world but have also recognised a trend towards mobile entertainment. As a result, Betway roulette has become not only accessible from the laptop but also from mobile apps. Similarly, companies such as Netflix and Spotify offer films and music via portable apps. So why not write about whether mobile apps in traditional entertainment make for a more immersive experience? Staying on top of news in the industry can provide you with ideas when you feel stuck.

Another underestimated yet excellent strategy when you are struggling for inspiration? You can always create engaging content by reviewing what leading brands offer: if you are a travel blogger, comment on the new line of outdoors equipment by NorthFace, or pick your top ten favourite classic Netflix films for your film-themed blog – your readers are bound to find this practical and useful, as they are likely to engage with these brands themselves. As a general rule, focus on content that will allow you to become the authority who people will go to, whether it is an analysis of how the latest Federal Reserve press release will impact the market or a light-hearted commentary of your favourite films, Honest Trailers-style.

Expand your horizon: write for others

Sometimes, the inspiration for writing winning blog posts can come from broadening your horizon a bit. Try moonlighting as a freelance guest blogger for a bit. Firstly, it can really help take some pressure off by providing some extra money while you are trying to make your own blog your main source of income. According to research published on Statista, freelancing ranks second along with home-cooking in terms of the highest salary rates across gig jobs with $25.23 per hour, while massage therapy tops the list at $27.84, and teaching comes in third at $20.81.

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But most importantly, writing for others can allow you to understand how successful blogs do it and learn from their strategies on how to drive traffic up. For example, you might realise the tremendous value of headlines: according to surveys, 80% of people will read a headline but just 20% of them will actually continue to read the whole article. Taking a look at how other blogs manage these marketing tips can truly boost your skills in that department.

Hard work, commitment, and winning ideas are the recipe for success for bloggers. If you have that powerful combo, then the blogosphere is your oyster!

Stan Roach:

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