In case you missed it, here are some highlights from today’s #ColocationUSAChat hosted by @ColocationUSA, where small business and technology experts @SteveStrauss and @RamonRay answer your small business tech questions and chat about their favorite tools and cloud apps.
Welcome everybody to today's @ColocationUSA startup tweetchat. We are glad you can be here with us! #smallbusiness #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
This is definitely the era of small business technology, and there are tons of great tools we can use #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
This is definitely the era of small business technology, and there are tons of great tools we can use #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
First is our great sponsor –@ColocationUSA. #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
.@ColocationUSA is truly a leader in hosting solutions with 22 locations nationwide. http://t.co/bXblMPFe5X #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Honored to be in #ColocationUSAChat chat with America's Small biz expert @SteveStrauss @ColocationUSA
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
I'm joining in the #colocationusachat for the next hour. Topic: share tech you love. In my case, it's going to be a LONG LONG list 🙂
— Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) February 12, 2015
Thanks, Steve! Glad to be here! #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
It’s almost Valentine’s Day & that is one other reason for today’s topic “The Tech We love.” Apropos, I like this quote.. #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Ramon for those who don’t know you can you tell us a bit about your background in #smallbusiness technology? #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Who is Ramon? Fbi citizens graduate, serial entrep, @infusionsoft lover, tech nut #ColocationUSAChat piano player all, @smarthustlemag
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
Q for all: What tech do you think most #smallbusinesses love most? #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss We're partial to our tablets. I think having the capability of a comp without the bulk is awesome. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
I think phablets are probably the most popular among small business owners. #colocationusachat
— TheSelfEmployed (@TheSelfEmployed) February 12, 2015
A) yesterday many small biz love their phone. Last year their computers. Today their apps #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
Q: what tech does small biz love? A: Cloud apps! Totally liberating! Grab your tablet or laptop and take office w/ you #colocationusachat
— Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) February 12, 2015
. Ramonray – if my laptop were stolen I would faint, if my cellphone was stolen I would get another one #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
. @EvanCarmichael please do not ask that question! ….. No! ….re which one app would u take with you #colocationusachat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
My one app to take would have to be my browser – #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
@smallbiztrends – I couldn't agree more about cloud apps. For example, Google's suite of apps are superb! #colocationusachat
— TheSelfEmployed (@TheSelfEmployed) February 12, 2015
@smallbiztrends I think it's a matter of just being safe and using common sense. Don't open if you don't know source. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
.@smallbiztrends – My #1 trend in my USATODAY column was security. We need it on all devices. SMBs are the target now #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Mobile protection is a must for all devices – human vigilance and anti-malware tools are a must #ColocationUSAChat @smallbiztrends
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
What apps do you love and use most? For me it's Twitter, Flipboard, @TripIt #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
HOT APP Flipboard is great for #smallbiz owners, especially being able to select news sources #colocationusachat from @ColocationUSA
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
#colocationusachat @SteveStrauss @RamonRayAll #smallbiz should have @yelp @swarm on their phones
— Shashi Bellamkonda (@shashib) February 12, 2015
@DandB @SteveStrauss Snapchat for #smallbiz is good for certain industries/brands. Not all #SMB can adapt marketing to it #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@DandB @SteveStrauss #smallbiz should use the same social platforms being used by their customers. #ColocationUSAChat
— Brian Moran (@brianmoran) February 12, 2015
I agree that all of the social apps have become indispensable for #smallbiz – but too many don't take advantage of them #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Shout out to @GoogleforWork @Office365 @citrix @asana for nice suite of small biz tools #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss @ramonray @ColocationUSA Adapting to current tech, looking at future and how it could help them #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
Here's an off-the-wall tech "vote": the new @googlenews Publisher Center. I love the improvements that team is making #ColocationUSAChat
— Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) February 12, 2015
The two biggest issues for most SBs are time and money. Don't let those get in the way of adopting great new tech! #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Where you host your tech is as important as the neighborhood you live in – #ColocationUSAChat yeah @ColocationUSA?
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
@ramonray Heck yeah. Location, location, location! #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@ramonray Speaking of location, we have 22 locations nationwide! 🙂 #cheapplug #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
Biggest issue is measurability from #smallbiz — need to know what works and what doesn't to not waste time. #colocationusachat
— Alexander Ernst (@ritzyhobo) February 12, 2015
To use tech effectively you must be trained and learm how to use your tech. #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
Got to love Facebook graph search for following customers… really closely. #colocationusachat
— Alexander Ernst (@ritzyhobo) February 12, 2015
@brianmoran @ramonray @SteveStrauss @ColocationUSA wow love seeing a #ColocationUSAChat as I thought my #Cloudtalk was on geek chat 🙂
— Brian Fanzo (@iSocialFanz) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss What are the websites you visit every day for your business? #ColocationUSAChat
— Evan Carmichael (@EvanCarmichael) February 12, 2015
@smallbiztrends colocation is like renting an apartment in an apartment building, but with servers instead of 1BR's 🙂 #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss You need to store your data somewhere, most #SMB might not have capital to own their own servers. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss So that's where we come in. We give you the space, the servers, bandwidth at a low cost. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@ramonray Uptime! If your host is down, so is your website! #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@ramonray Speaking of uptime, we've had 100% uptime for the past few years. Very proud. Much uptime. #cheapplug #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
@ColocationUSA provides 24/7 support, which to me is as important as uptime and service reliability. #colocationusachat
— TheSelfEmployed (@TheSelfEmployed) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss Don't discount analytics when it comes to #marketing. You see what works, what doesn't, adjust accordingly #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
We all talk about social so much today, but don't forget your website. It is THE #1 marketing tool in my book #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
My friends at @webdotcom did a survey, and yes, half of all #smallbusiness still don't have a website #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Not having a website is small business malpractice! #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Marketing tools for small biz – Web site, social, email newsletter, #crm, #marketingautomation, local – #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
Q: What marketing tech do u love? Answer: the @BrotherOffice CreativeCenter http://t.co/QbCiI5bc5F #colocationusachat
— Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) February 12, 2015
Q: what marketing tech do you love?
A: My phone… couldn't do biz without it
— Austin Iuliano (@AustinIuliano) February 12, 2015
@ramonray @HootSuite? All social under one roof, complete with automation. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
Q: What marketing tech do u love? Answer #2: @Groove Help Desk solution – easy to use and helps customer communications #colocationusachat
— Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss Constantly on @hootsuite, love @Mention too! #ColocationUSAChat
— D&B Credibility (@DandB) February 12, 2015
. @RamonRay, you wrote the Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing. What is your fave social media marketing tip? #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@2allylayton @stevestrauss @ramonray Huge fan of both!
it’s not either or.. I schedule w/ one and engage/listen w/other
— Brian Fanzo (@iSocialFanz) February 12, 2015
A2: When it comes to "marketing tech" influencer analysis tools such as Little Bird, NOD3x, and PeerIndex are invaluable. #colocationusachat
— Geno Prussakov (@ePrussakov) February 12, 2015
@ePrussakov Agree I also like @twtrland for influencer analytics for personal branding & @traackr great for agency work! #ColocationUSAChat
— Brian Fanzo (@iSocialFanz) February 12, 2015
A2: Another must-have set of "marketing tech" is competitive intelligence tools. Eg: @WhatRunsWhere @SimilarWeb @SEMrush. #ColocationUSAChat
— Geno Prussakov (@ePrussakov) February 12, 2015
When it comes to tech tools for marketing I think videos are key. Use them on your site, in social media, w/e-newsletters #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@AustinIuliano I think the new Twitter vid app has a way to go before it's widely utilized. It's got to be better than IG #ColocationUSAChat
— Brent Stirling (@Brentertainer) February 12, 2015
VIDEO MARKETING is a must. Amen @SteveStrauss: Use them on your site, in social media, w/e-newsletters #colocationusachat"
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
@ramonray Pssshhhh, speak for yourself. We look FANTASTIC. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015
With a video, you get someone's (mostly) uninterrupted attention for 3 minutes. How rare is that online? #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss Thanks for hosting and for everything you do for entrepreneurs. We appreciate you 🙂 #ColocationUSAChat
— Evan Carmichael (@EvanCarmichael) February 12, 2015
BTW, one tool I love that I use for these chats is http://t.co/VcNEi1PGXO #tchat @tchat #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@AustinIuliano @Brentertainer fight fight fight fight @instagram vs @twitter video app #colocationusachat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
@ramonray how likely is it that vine with catch on for small business marketing? #colocationusachat
— TheSelfEmployed (@TheSelfEmployed) February 12, 2015
Before we go let's note that half of searches are now done on mobile. Mobile is the future of #smallbiz. Agree? #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
@SteveStrauss well… google is slamming hard on non mobile friendly sites… so I would say agreed #ColocationUSAChat
— Austin Iuliano (@AustinIuliano) February 12, 2015
. @TheSelfEmployed – Agree that Vine is increasingly playing an impt part of #smallbiz marketing #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Thanks @ColocationUSA for your awesome hosting services for us #smallbusiness #ColocationUSAChat
— Ramon Ray (@ramonray) February 12, 2015
And thx to our sponsor, @ColocationUSA. You are the the best when it comes to hosting solutions! http://t.co/TjN6jC2Kfc #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
And thanks to everybody who participated today! #smallbiz rocks! #colocationusachat
— Steve Strauss (@SteveStrauss) February 12, 2015
Thank you everyone for participating. Let's do this again sometime. Have your people contact…me. #colocationusachat
— Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) February 12, 2015