The Hottest Trends In Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

As the business industry continues to evolve, the new developments have necessitated a transformation from traditional lead generation techniques to account-based marketing (ABM). Plus, the need for high-quality and more targeted content is rapidly growing. Decision-makers are demanding assets that provide in-depth insights into the challenges their organizations are seeking to solve.

And as ABM continues to evolve as a dependable lead generation strategy, trends have begun to emerge that are quickly shaping the future of account-based marketing. This article will delve you into some of the most prominent developments and if you haven’t yet incorporated them into your ABM strategy, then it’s time you think about doing so.


Given the technology you’ve at your disposal, there’s no reason to depend solely on a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy when it comes to implementing your account based marketing tactics. Even smaller marketing departments can personalize their tactics, ranging from tailor-made e-books to customizable user experiences on their website.

When you focus on specific accounts and people within those accounts, you can readily create offers that are hyper-specialized, depending on each individual’s unique combination of challenges as well as ambitions.


Tapping Internal Connection

When targeting a new account, always remember that employees within your company might already have connections there. Someone in your accounting or sales department, for instance, might be connected to a former staff member, who’s now working at your target account. So, be sure to tap those internal connection sources and use them as entry points for kick-starting the identified lead generation process.

Interactive Offers

Aside from delivering customized resources, like e-books and white papers, ABM marketers are now utilizing offers designed to raise more complex questions; questions that are best addressed in a meeting. For instance, an assessment may give prospects a “score” for a particular aspect of their enterprise, which then leaves them asking themselves “What should we do to improve our business”. Such questions can motivate prospects to agree to a meeting.

Social Insights

The postings made on your social media accounts provide valuable information on what’s happening in your organization. Plus, it uncovers opportunities for engagement. If a target company announces a product launch, for instance, your assigned sales representative can immediately send congratulatory messages to his or her contacts in that particular organization.

Strategic Sales Territory Allocations

Previously, sales territories were assigned to representatives based on several criteria. But with account-based marketing, you can be more strategic with the way you allocate those assignments. For instance, if you incorporate a new account into your target list, you might want to check who already in your organization has some connections with the target company, or which representatives have a track record of closed deals with the same company or organization.

The Bottom-Line

Account-based marketing is an incredible strategy for boosting your company’s profitability. It gives you the chance to personalize your offers, tap internal connections, make strategic sales territory assignments, leverage social insights, and create interactive offers. And all these practices will help you remain relevant in today’s highly competitive market.

Sophie Turton:

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