Q: Hi, Steve! How would I really know if I am cut out for owning my own business? I like the idea a lot, but it also really scares me. — Len
A: Well, you actually stumbled upon my handy, dandy short quiz for how to know if entrepreneurship is for you.
Ask yourself this question: Does the idea of leaving your job and paycheck and benefits frighten you more or excite you more? If the thought is more exhilarating than petrifying, then being an entrepreneur may be right for you, but if the idea of starting your own business scares you more, this may not be your ideal career path.
Excitement and fear are my beginning criteria because starting a business is not for everyone and you better be darned sure that you will like it before risking a lot of time, money and your reputation on a new idea.
But let’s drill down a little deeper, because there are other attributes that are needed. To help, I have created a short quiz. It will help you evaluate your qualifications. (But please, as you answer, be honest with yourself. It doesn’t help you at all to get an answer “right” if it really is not true for you.)
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