Professional Networking Apps for the Real World

Networking is beneficial, but it’s not the easiest thing. Where do you go to build the connections you need to grow your brand and business? How do you measure the connections you’ve made post-event? And, how do you leverage your connections without coming across as “salesy”? The obvious answer is to use a networking mobile application; unfortunately, not all networking apps are created equal. In fact, many apps are humorously out of touch.

Don’t waste energy scouring the App Store for a quality networking app. You’ll find a lot that are poorly designed, more that are okay but lacking in features, and few that are truly useful. To help you navigate the networking experience with expertise, here are a few of the better networking apps, each with real-world value and none of the fluff that’s annoying about other apps, so you can focus on what’s important: building the networking connections that will grow your business.

DoubleDutch Makes Conferencing Easy

One of the better conference apps out there, DoubleDutch’s real-time event application makes it simple to manage a conference. It’s feature-rich for attendees, too. The app makes it possible to create and view interactive event details, such as maps and activity feeds. Use it to facilitate connections, collect opinions, encourage fun, and share information. You can use it to generate funding for your event too, such as promoting posts for sponsors and lead-generation for exhibitors.

Lanyrd Mobile Apps Shows You Where to Go

Not sure where to start networking? Lanyrd points you in the right direction. You sign in using your Twitter account; from there, the app suggests events you may be interested in. You can save these events to your device and view them offline whenever you want. Moreover, if you’re attending an event, the app will mark you as attending. With scheduling features, location information, and an attendee directory, Lanyrd is one of the more comprehensive and easy to use event apps.

Cityhour Connects You to Your Neighbors

Cityhour is an excellent app if you’re looking to network locally. People looking for a meeting in the next two hours will be marked on your map. All connects are within a 50-mile radius, so you’re never driving too far to make a connection. You can refine your results to show only people in specific industries, with specific goals in mind, or available at a specific time. Any scheduled meets will automatically go into a calendar, so you keep your meetings organized.

Grip is a Digital Handshake

What’s the online equivalent to a real-life handshake? Grip. Grip is a networking tool that connects you to people who are looking for connections in specific industries, including startups and technology experts. You can create and join communities of like-minded individuals, as well as initiate a virtual handshake. Once you’ve shaken hands, you’ll be given additional opportunities to connect.

Shapr is Simple Daily Networking

Shapr’s algorithm is fairly unique in that it uses a profile of you to connect you to like-minded people, which grows your network significantly. The connection suggestions are very tailored and accurate. They’re based on your answers to questions regarding your interests, location, and experience level. Like Grip, there can be no unwanted requests and chat is only unlocked when both parties express a mutual interest. is Your Virtual Business Card

Okay, so this one’s not really a networking app, but rather a tool that will be useful at networks. is your digital business card. Send this digital business card to your online connections and to your real-life connections. It’s definitely greener to avoid printing whenever possible, and is a professional and sustainable alternative to traditional paper cards.

Overall, networking solutions should be comprehensive and provide you with opportunity. They should not be frustrating or otherwise annoying. The aforementioned apps are the best out there, and definitely useful whether you’re attending or creating a networking event.


Ryan Kh: Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on WordPress and Forums Mix

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