Podcast: How to Put One Million in the Bank

On this episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Greatland podcast, you’re going to receive a lot of very valuable information. Running a successful business is fun for all of us entrepreneurs and ultimately, we all want to have a little bit extra in the bank for our efforts.

Steve starts off with a very inspiring story of entrepreneurship. Two out of work Journalists came up with an idea to solve a recurring problem they had. They didn’t have an investment fund, but they had family and friends that helped them to create an extremely successful franchise. You’ll find out what the business is on the show, but you’ll definitely be able to provide the answers to some trivia after you hear it.

After that, we get to the highlight of the show. Starting from humble beginnings (at one point he only had $20 in his pocket!) Michael Slavin is a true success story. Michael’s new book is called One Million In The Bank and who wouldn’t want to be able to say that!

His book provides you practical advice on how to begin a successful business. In Steve’s interview, Michael lets you know how to find resources, ideas and business plans that are already existing. How does it all work? You’ll have to listen to find out!

Don’t forget, you can submit your question for an “Ask An Expert Live” segment by sending an email to theselfemployed@yahoo.com.

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Greg Nibler: Greg Nibler is the Audio Producer for the Small Business with Steve Strauss Podcast. He is a Podcaster/Producer, Actor and Voiceover Artist based in Portland, Oregon. You can see/hear more of Greg's work at Funemployment Radio and Digital Trends.

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