This episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Microsoft, is all about how to maintain productivity. As the line blurs between home and the office, it becomes hard to figure out when to take time off and when to put in those extra hours. There is a balance somewhere between procrastination and working yourself sick and today Steve will provide some guidance to help you manage it.
In Ask An Expert (almost) Live, Steve takes a question from (someone) who has a problem maintaining momentum once summer arrives. It’s something we can all relate to; How do we fight procrastination? Steve has some great tips on how to win the battle!
The guest this week is Laura Stack! Laura is a Speaker Hall of Fame inductee and known world-wide as the Productivity Pro. She has great advice for any Entrepreneur, no matter what level you’re at! From learning how to set boundaries like turning off email reminders, to maximizing the time you do spend working, to hiring someone to help you out, you will not want to miss her interview. Laura also has some great tips on behalf of a Fellowes Brands survey.
Don’t forget, you can submit your question for an “Ask An Expert Live” segment by sending an email to
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