In this week’s Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Microsoft podcast, we discuss the art of creating content. Getting the right post, noticed by the right people, can seem like an enigma these days. Often times you can end up wondering why no one likes your content. Well today, we have one of the world’s foremost experts on, to share some of the secrets of his viral content success.
Crafting a well put together post is always important for social media. It can be the difference between being seen by tens of people to being seen by millions. Steve lays out 5 tips for creating great online content.
Then we are joined by the incredible Emerson Spartz! Emerson is effectively the King of Viral Content. His websites receive more than 45 million monthly users. He is the creator of OMG Facts and and his unique story is a must listen. His advice and techniques will prove invaluable to your business.
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