How To Create A High-Growth Startup

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This episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Microsoft, revolves around the ways to set your business up for great success. There are so many resources out there and it’s important to take advantage of them all. With varying strategies for launch, Steve will help you figure out what is the best way to get your business into the all-important High-Growth category!

In Ask An Expert (almost) Live, Steve tackles some of the myths that exist in the world of Entrepreneurs. Is there a shortage of startup capital available? Is the Entrepreneur really only a “lone wolf” whose only purpose is to upset the status quo? Is starting a business going to give you all the free time you’ve ever dreamed of? Well, I think we all know the answer to that last one. However, Steve will fill you in on the rest!

For the interview, Steve is joined by one of the greats in the business world. David S Rose is an Ink 500 CEO, a serial entrepreneur and an Angel Investor that has founded or funded over a 100 companies! He is also the author of The Startup Checklist. There is a difference between a traditional small business and a young business that will end up going big. David is a fantastic resource of experience and information. No matter where you are in the process of your business, this interview is a must listen.

Don’t forget, you can submit your question for an “Ask An Expert Live” segment by sending an email to

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Greg Nibler is the Audio Producer for the Small Business with Steve Strauss Podcast. He is a Podcaster/Producer, Actor and Voiceover Artist based in Portland, Oregon. You can see/hear more of Greg's work at Funemployment Radio and Digital Trends.