This episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by SAP, is all about turning that dream you have, into a reality. There are so many obstacles that can get in the way of accomplishing what you want, but if it were easy…everyone would do it! A lot of it has to do with perception and how if you have the correct vision you can dream it, then do it.
Youth can sometimes be a perceived disadvantage for those just entering into the world of entrepreneurs. Steve answers a question from someone just like that today, but he has another way of looking at it. Using his concept of “Business Jujitsu” you can turn that perception around, into being a great asset for any potential employer, or business partner.
Then Steve is joined by two very inspiring entrepreneurs, Brandon Reese and Daniel Blum. These two visited South America and loved it so much, they decided to buy a bus, start a podcast, and tour the continent. They had conversations with successful outliers and early adopters, while figuring out how to pay for this incredible adventure. Check out their podcast On The Bus!
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