In this episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Microsoft, we cover one of the most iconic brands in history. When a company’s own name becomes eponymous with a product that others try to copy, you know it’s a success. With a rich history and incredible progress, Xerox is now looking to change the way we do business, again. Today we’ll give you some tips to use for your business and see if you can copy the innovation magic of Xerox!
In our feature today, Steve will go over the humble beginnings of Xerox. From a great idea from founder Chester Carlson in 1906, to being a Fortune 500 company, there were many lessons along the way. We all want to come up with the next big idea, or product and you may have it!
Steve is then joined by Steve Hoover and Dragana Pavlovic. Steve is the Chief Technology Officer of Xerox and Dragana is the Senior VP of Engineering. They will be sharing the exciting development of a new line of products called ConnectKey devices. Innovation has always been the key to success in the business world and Xerox wants to help take your success to the next level.
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