Planning New Tattoos: How to Get the Best One

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Tattoos are a popular form of artistic expression. Some people simply get a tattoo for fun. Many people, however, choose a picture that represents something important. You are more likely to enjoy your tattoo long-term if it is well-planned. Many artists work with clients for several weeks before they place the tattoo. Take the time to choose the right colors, design, and location for your tattoo.

Choosing the Artwork

Many people get tattoos to remind them of special people or life events. You can visit a tattoo shop and look at sample designs and pictures of other people’s tattoos. You can also look online for tattoos you like. It is also common to get a tattoo done with personal artwork, photos, and handwriting.

If you want the paw print of your dog, for example, you can take a picture to the tattoo shop. You can also add a background to a picture or decorative items around the text. A tattoo shop in Brooklyn can help you with the design.

Pick your Artist

Every tattoo artist has their own style. Your friend may have a beautiful tattoo; however, you may prefer different style. You might need a different artist than your friend or family member. Look at the work from several artists to find the style you like best. There are often several talented artists at one tattoo shop. Each one is sure to have different specialties. Meet with the one that has experience with tattoos like the one you want.

Think About the Future

Tattoos stay in place your entire life. Even with new removal techniques, it is difficult to get rid of a tattoo. It is a good idea to think about your future when planning your tattoo. You can get something meaningful without looking inappropriate. While attitudes are changing in modern times, it is still hard to get some professional jobs when you have tattoos. The nature of the tattoos can also present a problem. Some companies expect you to refrain from showing anything vulgar or controversial.

Think about your profession and where you may end up in 10 years. Many people regret spontaneous or graphic tattoos once they have children. There are many jobs, however, that do not put pressure on employees to look a certain way. Tattoos are a very personal choice and it is helpful to get one you can enjoy for many years.


You can manage your tattoos well in a professional workplace if you put them in the right places on your body. Many places require you to cover tattoos while you are at work. You can still get your dream tattoo when you have a strict workplace. Place tattoos high enough on your arm so that the sleeves of a shirt can cover them. Women may need to get more creative with placement of tattoos since their clothing covers differently. Both men and women, however, have the choice to cover tattoos at work with long sleeve shirt and pants.

Preview Sketches

One of the best things you can do before you get a new tattoo is to get a sketch done. Many artists meet with clients to discuss the design for their tattoo. The artist then makes some preliminary sketches to look at. This allows you to look at the design, the size, and the colors before the tattoo is on your body. An artist and client may collaborate for several weeks before the final design is ready.

Plan your tattoo with a reputable artist for the best experience. Just like everything else you shop for; it is important to research the business and you plan to use. Check online reviews and talk to prior customers. Tattoos are often meaningful art pieces that represent life experiences. Take your time finding an artist that works with the style you like. Meet with the artist to discuss your plans and request a preview sketch. You can’t rush quality art.

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Sienna Baxter works as an electrical safety officer and shares her knowledge online through her articles to keep people safe.