Infographic: Making Self-Employment Easier with Automation

For all of the benefits and sense of fulfillment that comes from pursuing self-employment, it can be difficult for an entrepreneur to feel as if they’re getting enough done in a day’s work. With responsibilities that span from managing business expenses, keeping things organized, and even dealing with hiring employees, the life of a small business owner is endlessly busy. Luckily, the modern age has brought the advent of automation, which allows us to “set and forget” a variety of tasks ranging from the mundane to the complicated.

By managing repetitive, often mind-numbing tasks, automation can free up your time for more meaningful activities. Automation can make the life of an entrepreneur easier since technological processes and systems can handle up to 40% of repetitive workplace tasks. In addition, automation simplify your financial life with automated bill payments and apps that can track finances to help tackle debt. Your free time can even improve, since there’s now technology that can help with chores and even get your grocery shopping done—and you barely have to lift a finger. Since the benefits of automation span from streamlining your workflow to giving you more free time, setting certain things to run on auto-pilot is a surefire approach to managing a busy life.

For actionable tips on how to integrate automation into your life, check out this infographic from Turbo below.

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