How To Make Yourself Easy To Hire

How To Make Yourself Easy To Hire

Finding a job isn’t easy in today’s competitive market. Once an open position is posted on Jobtonic, Indeed and other job search sites, dozens of candidates apply. But it may not be the competition that’s standing in your way. It may be you. Job seekers who are easy to work with are easy to hire.

The question is: how do you make yourself easy to hire?

Employers and Recruiters Aren’t Mind Readers

It’s hard to find job opportunities when recruiters and employers don’t know what you can do or how you can benefit an organization. Remember, you have less than a minute to grab the recruiter’s or employer’s attention. Use that time to tell them what you can do and what job you want.

The same can be said for networking contacts. You spend a lot of time finding and making new contacts. But these new connections cannot benefit you if they don’t know what you want to do. Let them know what you want.

What if you don’t know what you want? Spend some time figuring that out before you start searching for serious job opportunities.

Let Them Know Why You’re A Good Fit

When you submit applications, let hiring managers know why you applied for the job by:

  • Only applying for jobs you’re qualified for. Take a careful look at the job’s experience, skill and education requirements. If you’re not a good fit, don’t apply.
  • Letting them know why you’re a good fit in your cover letter and resume. Submit a carefully-written cover letter and demonstrate how you match those requirements through your skills and/or experience. Also, tailor your resume to the employer’s needs by highlighting the skills and experience they’re seeking.

Be Politely Persistent

After an interview, politely ask if you can keep in touch. If they consent, ask for a name and contact information, so you can touch base in the future. Follow up after an interview, but don’t do it on a daily or even a weekly basis. The hiring process often takes longer than the employer expects, so only check in to see what’s going on with the job you applied for.
When you do reach out the employer, make sure that you give them your name, the date of your interview, the position you applied for and the name of the interviewer.

Please Follow Directions

It seems simple enough. Yet, most candidates don’t follow directions. When searching for job openings, make sure that you read the entire listing before submitting your application. Some employers ask candidates to include specific things in their application. If you fail to include anything specified in the job posting, your application will be ignored.
Most candidates fail to follow directions, so by breaking this trend, you can get a leg up on your competitors.

The Bottom Line

Finding a job isn’t easy, but if you make yourself easy to work with, employers will find you easier to hire. Remember to let employers know what you can do and what you want. Tell them why you’re a good fit. Be persistent – but polite – when following up, and always follow directions. If you follow these rules, you’ll land a job sooner rather than later.


Helen Evans, Marketing Manager of JobTonic, has been in the career development field for 5 years. She likes to share interesting tips to help people find their dream job. Her goal is to share what she has learned about searching job. Dream job is closer than you imagine.


Helen Evans:

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