Looking for Your First Job? What You Need to Know Before Entering the Market

Job hunting is always an intimidating thing to do. And it’s even worse when you add the fact that you’re looking for your first job. The job market is a complicated place to navigate if you’re new to it, and everyone may be giving you different advice as to how to approach the job search. To put it simply, you may feel quite overwhelmed. However, there are a few key things you need to know before entering the job market, and if you keep them in mind, the process should be much easier. Whether you’re coming straight from high school or are applying for a job after college, these tips should help.

Know the legal aspects

Be sure to do some digging into companies you possibly want to work for, to make sure that they are legitimate and legal. Many companies that aren’t doing things the right way will be especially eager to hire people new to the market, as they may still be naïve and not know the ins and outs of the legal aspects yet. As an employee, you have certain rights. If a company does offer you a job, be sure to thoroughly comb through the contract to ensure that none of these rights are being violated. Your employer also has rights, and you need to be able to meet the legal requirements set out in your contract. If you or your future employer have any worries or concerns, it may be helpful to get an employment law attorney Los Angeles.

Have a good CV

If your CV doesn’t make a good impression on any possible future employers, you’re unlikely to even be offered the chance to interview, let alone get the job. You may be tempted to lie on your CV and embellish any qualifications or work experience you may have, but keep in mind that employers have been in the game for longer than you and will possibly spot these lies a mile away. Be honest, and be sure to mention your strong points. Also keep in mind that they likely view hundreds of CVs a day, and yours may start to blur into the others. That’s why it’s so important to make your CV stand out.

Know how to ace an interview

No matter how qualified or experienced someone is, if they are a disaster at their interview, they won’t be hired. The opposite is therefore also true – you may be able to secure a job with your interview skills, regardless of your qualifications or experience. Be sure to do research on the company prior to going for an interview, so that you have an idea of what it’s about and so that they can see you’re serious. Dress appropriately, be on time and respectful, and come armed with a list of questions. Planning for your interview is almost as important as the interview itself. Keep in mind that, just as with your CV, you should be honest whenever you are asked something.

Samantha Acuna: Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, and Yahoo Small Business.

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