Infographic: Top Freelance Statistics to Help Land Your First Client

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Infographic: Top Freelance Statistics to Help Land Your First Client

If you’re considering becoming a freelancer, now is a great time to get your foot in the door. Demand for freelance work rose quickly over the last year as businesses transitioned employees to remote working environments, and advances in technology have given freelancers the ability to work from anywhere. In fact, statistics show that freelance job postings rose 41% during the second quarter of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current climate isn’t the only reason for the increase in popularity. The number of people shifting to full-time freelance work grew from 17% to 28% between 2014 and 2019, and 91% of freelancers say the best days for freelancing are still ahead. Those are some pretty promising statistics.

That said, many people are leaving their 9-5 job behind to reap the benefits of full-time freelance work. Why? Freelancers can take control of their schedule and workload, work from home and choose which clients and projects to take on. If you’re a creative, that can mean finding a niche that you work best in and taking on projects you care about. If you’re just starting out, you might have to take on some unpaid work in the beginning to get your name out there, but it will benefit you in the long run. Freelancers with specialized skill sets earn more per hour than 70% of working Americans.

If you’re interested in kickstarting your career as a freelancer, see the infographic for important freelance trends to know in 2021, and tips for landing your first client.

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