Infographic: Everything you need to stop doing to be more productive

We all lead busy lives these days, none more so than those of us who are self-employed. Working for yourself means having to juggle so many responsibilities and that means needing to be good at maintaining productivity so you’re not wasting your time and potentially costing yourself money. But how do you achieve that?

There’s several bad habits we all get into at one time or another that can affect our productivity and there’s scientific proof that dropping them can seriously improve your ability to get work done. One of these is as simple as making sure you take regular breaks to improve your focus and concentration, and you can get apps on your phone that will remind you to do so.

Another bad habit to get into, particularly for the self-employed, is forcing yourself to get up early because you think it will help you get on with the work you’ve got to do. The great thing about being self-employed is that you don’t have to force your working day to fit someone else’s schedule. Work out your own chronotype and see how much more productive you can be.

Multitasking is another productivity sin and definitely something that the self-employed can be guilty of, especially while trying to fit in chores at home, family routines, exercise regimes and everything else that seems important. But it’s getting in the way of getting the job done right, because it leads to low attention spans and poor focus.

The quest for perfection is also another blocker to productive working and studies have shown the impact it can have, so instead of beating yourself up for not being able to get everything done to an unattainable standard of perfection, focus on making progress instead. These tips can help you start to be more productive so why not try them out and see what a difference it makes to your work?

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