How To Get Started With Mobile Native Advertising

Over half of all web views worldwide take place on mobile devices. Mobile devices also account for an ever-increasing share of retail visits and orders on the web.

However, while native advertising isn’t a strictly mobile phenomenon, it is advised that you focus on the mobile experience of native ads.

Mobile native advertising is similar to desktop native advertising, in the sense that it comprises sponsored content, social media ads, and more. Mobile devices are more often used for personal activities like browsing, making them a spectacular place for native ads to reach users.

Step-By-Step Approach To Start Native Advertising

These are the ways on how to start native advertising

First, don’t disrupt- go with the content flow;

Advertisements, native or not should not be hijacking our small smart screens. People will get more attracted to your ads when they are non-intuitive. You should always present your ads in the flow of the content people came for.

Go mobile-first, not mobile-friendly;

Mobile-first means more than matching the ad format to the look and feel of a site or app. This approach takes advantage of the unique things that mobile devices make possible. Concentrate more on the fact that mobile is a completely different environment.

However, mobile-friendly means that you can access the content from a mobile device. We need to create our contents and ads, for mobile-first.

Align with user intent

Your brand must align its native advertising with user intent. The options that we have for targeting should be as discreet as our users’ intents.

Align with device physicality

For your mobile native advertising to be mist engaging, it has to take advantage of the unique and spectacular capabilities of mobile devices, make sure to acknowledge the physicality of mobile devices.

Best mobile native ad formats

The most popular mobile native ad formats are;

In-feed (content)

This format is best suited for editorial feeds, stories, and they are usually placed in between the content available on a particular website.

Recommendation widgets

These are those ad formats that often appear in the form of widgets just at the end of an article or a page. They are click-bait articles lacking quality in most cases and publishers prefer to avoid them as they have made advertisers experience high invalid traffic activity.


This is a native ad format that is used by mobile game producers. Usually, these in-app or mobile web ads are optional for visitors.

List of platforms that offer mobile native advertising

The following are examples of platforms that offer mobile native advertising

Share through

• Outbrain (recommended widget)

• Taboola (recommended widget)

• Triple Lift

• Nativo

• Adsnative

• Native ads

• StackAdapt

• LoopMe.

Best practices for mobile native ads

Personalize your native ads based on the screen sizes to create the best possible user experience

• Ensure that advertisers’ logo and headlines are visible to the users. This is to allow them to differentiate between the organic content and the advertisements.

• Always analyze the user signals. It is better to prioritize users over ads.


Mobile native ads are indeed compelling and can earn you better revenue, as the internet is now mostly being accessed via mobile.

Meredith Wood: Vice President and Founding Editor at Fundera Meredith Wood is the founding editor of the Fundera Ledger and a vice president at Fundera. She launched the Fundera Ledger in 2014 and has specialized in financial advice for small business owners for almost a decade. Meredith is frequently sought out for her expertise in small business lending. She is a monthly columnist for AllBusiness, and her advice has appeared in the SBA, SCORE, Yahoo, Amex OPEN Forum, Fox Business, American Banker, Small Business Trends, MyCorporation, Small Biz Daily, StartupNation, and more. Email: meredith(at)

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