How to explode your business with some simple $50 phone software

Every now and then someone shares a new idea/product/business with me and I can’t wait to share it with my tribe. Such is the case today.

I’ll tell you what it is, and why I like it so much is a sec, but first let me ask — has this ever happened to you?

You’re calling a business and no one answers, or, no one answers and you get voicemail, or no one answers, you get voicemail, and no one ever calls you back. Of course it’s happened to you and to me and to all of us and we don’t like it.

But consider the business.

They likely lost a customer when they didn’t get back to us.

Well, let me solve that problem. Let me introduce you to Numa. Numa is an inexpensive AI-powered, personalized phone-answering system that pushes customers to start texting with your business instead of leaving a voicemail.

Think about it – someone calls your business (mobile or landline) and for whatever reason, no one answers. Maybe the receptionist is swamped, or is part-time, or is automated, or the call comes in after hours, whatever. Well, what if you had a system that, instead of asking the person to “leave a message at the beep,” instead sends them a text?

With Numa, a call comes in and

  • The caller receives an automatic text
  • The caller can text back, and the system can answer common questions, and
  • You get notification of the call and text, allowing you to respond in real-time via text to the customer.

Responsiveness, engagement, and customer service all in one? Sign me up!

No more lost or dropped calls. No more messages that don’t get returned (up to 30% of which never get answered.)

Needless to say, customers love it. Not only are they accustomed to texting, but fully 78% say they wish they could have a text conversation with a company. Now they can. Instead of waiting for you to call them back, customers get instant interaction.

I hope you see how this can really help grow your business. In this era of Covid, we all need to conserve our cash. Not only is Numa incredibly affordable, but given that you will never lose a call again and that customers will begin to instantly engage with your business in a way they are very comfortable with, the possibility of growing your business for very little cost is very real.

Sign up now to get a free month trial of Numa and see how many callers you turn into customers without spending a cent on the service!

This post is sponsored by Numa, but as always, all opinions are 100% my own.

Steve Strauss: Senior small business columnist at USA TODAY and author of 15 books, including The Small Business Bible, Steve is your host here at

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