How Important are Testimonials for Your Personal Brand?

A satisfied customer is much more credible than yourself when recommending the product or service you are selling. In fact, a study highlights that 9 out of 10 people trust a customer’s words about a business rather than what the company says about itself. When it comes to your personal brand, an honest testimonial by a past or current client can be beneficial in terms of up-sells, cross-sells, new client acquisition, and retention of existing customers. In this article, we look at how important testimonials are for your personal brand.

1) Positive testimonials help increase conversion rates

If you use your website as a prospecting strategy, it is likely that a lot of your website visitors are complete strangers who may be interested in the services that you offer. Prospects who come to your website as a result of an online search do not know you personally. In all probability, they haven’t worked with you earlier. Positive testimonials by your existing customers will help such prospects trust you more and boost your conversion rates.

2) Video testimonials can bring your personal brand to life

A video testimonial will work much better than a plain text testimonial. The reason is that video testimonials appear more trustworthy than written ones since it is a bit more complicated to fake than a written testimonial. It is also a fact that people prefer to watch a video rather than read paragraphs of text. Video testimonials are more likely to be shared than written ones. Most importantly, you can use video testimonial software to quickly whip up testimonials instead of hiring a professional videography team.

3) Testimonials provide social proof

Think about how you buy products online. More often than not, you’ll be reading customer reviews before making a buying decision. Testimonials provide powerful social proof. They influence purchasing decisions and are a form of social proof. The reason for this is that a positive testimonial will tap into a prospective buyer’s herd mentality and help convert them into paying customers.

4) A testimonial can validate your value proposition

While branding yourself, you need to prepare a value proposition that specifies what problems your products or services can solve. Allowing a client to confirm this in their own words validates your value proposition much better than doing it yourself. Testimonials by your existing customers allow your prospects to identify with them and reach out to click your contact form.

5) Testimonials humanize your brand

Everybody loves a good story. Our empathy and curiosity towards other humans are a part of our psyche. A positive testimonial helps humanize your brand, enabling customers to connect with, understand, and relate to products and services you are offering. If your testimonials provide a before and after story highlighting how your product or service helped them overcome a pain point, then your prospective customers will be able to identify with the human aspect of your business.

6) Testimonials show how pain points can be resolved.

A glowing testimonial can show how you solved a recurring pain point for your customers. It can do so in a much better way than a press release or a brochure can. If you use video testimonials from genuine customers, you will inevitably be opening yourself up for greater customer engagement. Your personal brand will get enhanced, resulting in more revenue for your business.

In Summary

Testimonials are vital to building social proof, credibility, and trust in your customer base. They can lead to greater conversions and a boost for your profits very quickly. Using testimonials effectively can help enhance your personal brand and make you appear more trustworthy to prospective customers.

Samantha Acuna: Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post,, and Yahoo Small Business.

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