How can CMMS ensure the Safety of Assets and Life?

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Accidents have been a common phenomenon in every industry, and in most cases, if you trace back to the cause of the accidents, it will be due to negligence in maintenance. According to the law, the owner of a property is responsible for any hazard that occurs in their premise, the compensation for such accidents is also substantial, thus business owners must ensure that their assets are appropriately managed so that no accidents occur due to maintenance negligence.

Remember the Chalk Flight accident in 2005, where the right-wing of the aircraft stopped functioning, and the plane fell into Miami beach. The loss of lives was enormous in this accident. History bears the records of many such accidents that were a result of improper maintenance.

Almost every month we come across at least one instance of an aircraft crash, you will be surprised to know that human error in maintenance is the most significant cause of aviation accidents. As per a report, 15% of aircraft accidents occur due to improper maintenance. In the last decade, 40% of Aviation accidents in the United States were due to negligence in maintenance.

The primary intention of maintenance for organizations is to ensure that the systems are restored so that they can fulfill the necessities of the stakeholders. Although the maintenance activity is done, there is no one to ensure that the maintenance activity is performed correctly. Precisely, for this reason, a lot of accidents occur, and companies fail to understand that the mistake lies in incorrect or incomplete maintenance.

Thus, there are largely two reasons due to which accidents occur:

  1. Incorrectly Performed Maintenance

In this case, the technician does overall maintenance but does not replace a part that is nearing its expiry, thus due to incomplete maintenance, the system failure occurs and might lead to a loss of life and property.

  1. Reactive Maintenance Activity

As the word suggests, maintenance is done as a reaction to the breakdown. Thus, without an inspection, the system throws a surprise and suddenly acts strangely. Lack of maintenance can lead to the loss of productivity due to machine idle time, and in case of accidents, it causes the loss of life and property.

There is a lot of debate surrounding the idle time definition. Some regard it as useful, while others regard idle time as a liability for an organization. While the planned idle time, caused due to periodic maintenance, is good for the organization, unplanned idle time where the system suddenly stops functioning, is an obligation.

Let’s see how CMMS can solve this issue and ensure the safety of lives and assets:

  1. CMMS asset management software works towards centralizing all the information related to the assets in the organization. It further helps facility managers to establish and streamline the workflow and permit the users to perform sequential work inputs, thus ensuring that no area is left unattended.
  2. The second benefit of a CMMS software is that it allows seamless integration with other systems, to establish preventive maintenance. Moreover, with the help of a CMMS, the maintenance team can track the unhealthy machines and broadcast emergency alerts so that the technicians can perform corrective maintenance on time.
  3. The best part of the CMMS is that the software can help you record every small detail related to the assets. This information is captured and reported in real-time. With such transparency and detailing, it becomes easy for the technicians to address issues at an early stage and avoid accidents.

The Bottom Line:

The protection of our workers is as important as the other aspect, while the loss of assets can be recovered, but the loss of human lives is irreplaceable. A CMMS takes care of your assets as well as the precious lives of the workforce.

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Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post,, and Yahoo Small Business.