How Brands are Leveraging Twitter [Infographic]

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Did you know that today is Twitter’s 8th anniversary? Hard to believe that we’ve been sharing our lives 140 characters at a time for that long. Twitter has certainly become a social media powerhouse, but according to a recent survey, companies often have trouble building an audience and measuring their ROI on the platform. Even with those challenges, 65% of businesses agree that Twitter is an effective marketing tool.

Here are some more interesting findings from that same study:

  • 96.2 percent of brands using Twitter as a marketing tool report having challenges using the platform to achieve specific goals
  • 16.9 percent of brands are not aware that Twitter offers paid services and 34.7 percent are not currently interested in using Twitter’s paid services
  • Despite the popularity of video marketing, Vine remains underutilized with just 2.4 percent of brands using the feature on a regular basis
  • Most brands using Twitter as a marketing tool do so to increase brand awareness (79.4 percent)
  • Brands are using Twitter predominantly to create engagement during events (62.4 percent), build relationships with influencers (62.4 percent) and monitor brand mentions (58.4 percent)

Take a look at the infographic below for even more interesting findings.

Twitter Marketing Infographic

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