Google+ Hangout: Take Back Your Time

Join me on Wednesday, June 25 at 8 pm EDT for a Great Google+ Hangout and Find Out the Best Ways to Take back Your Time!

As a small business owner you have a lot of freedom, and there’s no comparison to spending your days doing what you love. That is one of the great things about being your own boss. But, that said, entrepreneurs also all share one other thing in common: We just don’t seem to have enough time. In fact, according to the Bank of America Spring 2014 Small Business Owner Report, 1 in 4 small business owners works more than 60 hours a week, and 72% say they have made significant sacrifices in their personal lives for business.

And, if you haven’t had a vacation in a while, join the club: 62% of respondents said that they give up vacation and leisure time to run their business.

But the good news is that this new digital era has introduced a slew of tools and apps that allow us to be more effective and efficient. Using them, even that vacation is a possibility!

What tools are those you ask?

Find out some of the best on June 25th at 8pm eastern for a Google Hangout with my friends from Bank of America, MasterCard, and moderator Carol Roth from CNBC where we will discuss how you can better manage your time as a small business owner.

It’s summertime – time to take some time off. The family and vacation time you didn’t think was possible is within your reach, and we’re here to provide you with options on how to get there. We would love to have you join us.

Bank of America Google+ Page

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