Experts Share the Best Tips to Aid Your Pet to Live a Longer Life

Did you know that you can boost the quality and lifespan of your furry friend with a simple set of tips? Well, it is true, and experts say that offering the correct care for your pet can extend their life and make it even more fulfilling. One of the best options is to first get them on a pet insurance plan, like those offered by Bivvy, to make sure you’re always covered.

But how to achieve that when there are many contradictory opinions available? The answer is that you need to focus on nutritious foods with lots of nutrients and healthy oils. And, of course, you need to offer your furry friend love, attention, and exercises.

Besides, the developments in veterinary medicine made it quite simple to better your pet’s life span and quality of living. Vaccinations were developed to shield pets against several health issues that were considered deadly before that. Today, you can help your pet avoid rabies, hepatitis, or any other viral infection. And there are constant medical advancements that are meant to help pets survive serious health conditions or injuries that otherwise might’ve made their lives a lot shorter.

Just think about the following example. Our colleague’s cat had to undergo emergency surgery shortly after she fractured her hip. This, in turn, led to a lot of physical therapy for recovery. Still, less than 12 months, the poor soul fractured her other hip. Eventually, the cat needed a hip replacement, which was quite an event in the veterinary world, as it was the first intervention of this kind performed on a pet by the team at Purdue University. Nowadays, this is a healthy and active cat, that otherwise would have been put down due to lack of treatment.

And the costs for all those veterinary interventions were not cheap at all. The price reached an astounding sum of $10,000. Still, this cat’s owner believes every penny was worth it, as it spared a lot of distress for the cat and led to a faster recovery. And the owner had the help of a great pet plan, which covered a substantial amount of the vet bill.

Thus, the question that remains is whether or not you should spend some money on pet plans. There are various pet care possibilities nowadays, which makes it challenging to decide which is the best approach for your pet is, and you can start your journey from PetInsuranceFinder. So, if you are interested in how to make your furry friend’s life better, read on to discover the top tips experts say will improve and increase your pet’s lifespan.

Monitor your pet’s weight

Did you know that recent studies reveal that up to 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs are overweight or obese? Well, the survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention stresses the need for monitoring a pet’s weight and focusing on healthy habits.

Excessive weight gain in pets can lead to the risk of developing several health problems, including diabetes, cancers, and pulmonary issues. Besides, the additional strain on joints can lead to the early onset of arthritis. And the primary concern of veterinary experts is that being overweight can drastically shorten a pet’s life by up to three years!

To decide whether or not your dog has too many pounds, you should look at it from above. If you don’t see a difference at the waistline, and you don’t feel the ribs, it is a sign you need to start focusing on weight loss tricks. Walk your dog a little more daily, diminish treats, and weight your pet frequently to monitor his or her wellbeing.

Go for the regular vet checkup

Frequent vet appointments can identify the first signs of a problem and lead to a faster and more successful recovery rate. Always remember that pets age faster than humans, and this involves a rapid decay in their health. So, stick with routine care plans, don’t forget about vaccinations or deworming. And it might be useful to opt for a wellness plan that features dental care, or additional tests.

Don’t fall for the diet foods created for pets

Pets need a particular type of healthy diet to keep up their health. As an example, cats need a protein meal daily to fulfill their protein intake requirements. Of course, there are several products for a pet advertised as gluten-free. But did you know that this type of allergy is sporadic in pets? Well, stop focusing on such products and opt for creating a healthy and nutritious meal plan.

Create an exercise routine

Any pet requires a daily exercise routine to keep up its health and weight. You should focus on having at least 30 minutes of active time for your pet and up to two hours daily. A stroll, a run, or anything else that might entice your furry friend to be active. Of course, if you own an athletic breed like the German Shepherds, you will need extra active time to fulfill its needs. And cats can move around, too. All you have to do is play with a laser pointer as long as you want the exercise routine to last. Besides, you can always use tech to track your pet’s steps or other activity markers.

Focus on dental care

Studies show that the leading cause of health problems in pets is poor dental care. More than 68 percent of cats and 76 percent of dogs have a dental problem. And this is a concerning statistic as dental issues can lead to heart and kidney disease. But you can prevent this by committing to brushing your pet’s teeth daily. All you have to do is use a pet-friendly toothbrush and pet toothpaste. Also, it is best to go for yearly professional teeth cleaning at your vet’s office.

Think about pet insurance

In some cases, pet plans can help you in accessing the best care for your pet. Consider what are your needs and expectations and choose the right policy for you. Keep in mind that some pet plan offers coverage only for accidents, while others can cover anything you might think of, including wellness care. Of course, premiums can be different and range from $10 to $100 per month, depending on your plan’s characteristics.

Don’t forget about pet parasites

Any pet is prone to experiencing infectious diseases or parasites. Experts say that in an environment in which there are mosquitoes, there is definitely a pet with heartworm. So, commit to regular vet check-ups and make sure to ask your doctor about how to prevent infectious diseases and parasites with the aid of treatments and regular vaccinations.

Consider DNA testing

Of course, this might sound a bit out of context, but knowing in-depth details about your pet’s genetic predisposition can help you in offering specific care. As an example, both Retrievers and German Shepherds are prone to experiencing hip dysplasia.

Of course, this type of testing isn’t 100% accurate, but it is an excellent tool for identifying potentially serious health issues. The Embark Dog DNA Test costs $189 and shows all breed’s particularities, ancestry, and potential risk for several genetic canine predispositions.

Commit to aiding your pet age beautifully

When your pet starts to age, you should focus on easing their lives. Cats get into their senior years between 11 to 14 years of age, while dogs around 8 years of age. So, if your cat experiences arthritis, it might be the time to change the litter box with one that has lower walls. Or if your pet has vision problems, it is a good idea to install some additional lightning solutions on stairs or hallways. And, don’t forget about carpets on floors or even baby gates to prevent your pet from stumbling down the stairs.

Stan Roach:

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