Everything You Need to Know About Holiday Marketing [Infographic]

If you haven’t yet noticed by the aisles and aisles of holiday wares, the holiday marketing season is fully upon us. Whatever your personal feelings about the commercialism associated with the winter holidays, there’s no denying that the shopping spirit this time of year can be a big boost to your profits.

It isn’t a question of “if” consumers are going to be spending money, but rather where. Since they are going to be spending it already, it might as well spend it with you. This brings us to the real business questions you should be asking this time of year:

  • How can you get the best return for your time invested?
  • What will make the extra marketing tactics really worth it?

The folks over at Endicia have some great answers to those questions. Luckily, they’ve put them together in a convenient infographic. For instance, did you know that the best days to offer discounts on jewelry are between December 15th and the 22nd? Or, that last year Black Friday sales topped one billion dollars?

To learn more, check out the infographic below.

Infographic courtesy of Endicia.

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