Decor Ideas That Can Liven Up Your Home Office

More and more people are working from home, and this is partly due to the COVID pandemic. People are having to carve out a designated space to operate each day. This can be relatively easy for those who already have a spare room or office, but it can be difficult if they are simply adapting bedroom space. When it comes to most home offices, decor can make a huge difference. Let’s find out how.

Reminders that there is life after work

Office buildings are often purpose-built and sterile. The carpets are more industrial than homely because of their constant use. People who spend their days in office buildings often have a family photo on their desk. This is to remind them that there are more things to life than their occupation!

When someone works from home, they have even more options. They can plaster the walls with art and family photos. Framed pictures can help remind the person of precious memories at home or on holiday. Beer enthusiasts could even feature some neon beer signs for bars on the wall. This would remind them of meetups with their friends during their leisure time. Walls are often enhanced by having brightly coloured or illuminated posters or signs.

Ways to be inspired

A memo board provides the opportunity to stylishly and creatively display information. There could be details of important dates, business appointments, or company goals. A few family photos could be included to shake things up as well.

Why not put up some motivational posters on the wall too? They can encourage home workers that they are capable of achieving their goals. Alternatively, create a dream board with words and pictures to describe your goals. These don’t have to be just work-related; they can be about holiday destinations or secret ambitions. They can look great, too.

Practical and space-saving

It’s important to have a quality computer desk and adjustable chair for health and safety reasons. Using existing furniture may spell trouble. It may be desirable to have a printer in the office for quick and easy access. If there is one in the family room, why not keep it there? This will free up space within the office and provide opportunities for exercise doing the day.

Some rooms benefit from having corner desks installed. Everything is to hand with a swivel of the chair, and space is maximised. The built-in storage space is great, too. The less clutter there is in the room, the less stressful it will feel. When storage units are purchased, don’t just go by price and purpose. Make sure they will look good, too.

Put up some shelves if this will free up more space. When everything has its place it will be easier to store and access things.

Maintain a homely feel

Being practical doesn’t mean a person has to compromise style. If there is laminate flooring, the room may feel like a normal office. A rug may transform its appearance into more of a relaxed, homely environment. It’s softer to walk on and cheaper than a carpet. If there is room, consider having a comfy chair as well as the computer seat. This can be somewhere for you to relax when pc work is not required.

Remembering colour and light

Whatever colours one chooses, it’s important that the room loses any sleepy appearance. Don’t make it too bright, though, as it could be distracting. Perhaps the room will benefit from having neutral or pastel colours. If a room simply has a fresh coat of white paint, it will look clean and appear more spacious. Maximise any natural light that exists. If a desk lamp is required, choose one that will fit in well.

Incorporating nature

Some people have pets indoors and can spend more time with them as a result of home working. Why not put a cat or dog bed in the corner of the office? Animals frequently like to sleep near their owners, and it can be quite therapeutic for the owners too!

Flowers can transform the feel of a room. Why not incorporate a house plant or two? Orchids can flower for amazingly long times, and cacti can survive on very little attention. Some flowers will provide a beautiful scent that can dispel any musty odours. Research has also shown that having plants in a room can help people feel less stressed.

We have now seen that it’s possible to combine both the practical and stylish elements of a home office. While space is designed for work, pictures, and photos can create a feeling of warmth and homeliness. When the room is more comfortable and relaxing, work is less of a chore and more of a joy.

Sasha Douglass:

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