If you’re in a job where you feel under-appreciated and underpaid, you might dream about breaking free. If you also have a demanding boss who expects too much from you, it’s definitely time to reinvent your life.
Although you may have been lulled into the idea of settling for a lousy job because it’s a good way to pay the rent, gas up the car, and put food on your table, there are many other ways of paying the bills.
One of these ways is to start your own business.
If you have no idea where to start, consider starting your own freelance massage firm. How do you go about setting one up?
Here is a seven-step blueprint on how to create a massage business from scratch:
Step #1: Get Skilled up
Research massage therapy schools, find one you like, get the funding you need to pay for it, and enroll.
Step #2: Get Licensed
After you graduate, work on getting your state license. You will most likely have to take the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx).
Step #3: Register a Business
Once you’ve got your license, go through the necessary steps to incorporate a business.
Step #4: Choose a Business Model
Make a decision on how you can earn a good living from your new skills.
You could work for a massage clinic, set up your own office, or become a freelance massage therapist. Since you fired your boss, you probably don’t want another one.
If you can afford to rent a small office, that would be a good way to go.
If you don’t have enough money, then begin as a freelance massage therapist. You will have to visit people in their homes. Once you’ve made enough, you can then rent your own office. Another alternative is to get a small business loan.
Step #5: Get Equipment and Supplies
When you begin to buy the stuff you need, you should be frugal. Look for portable massage tables for sale. Look for portable massage tables for sale. Here are some suggestions on things to consider:
- Microfiber quilted blankets.
- Headrests and footrests for your table.
- White Sheets.
- Aromatherapy oils.
- Massage oils, gels, and creams.
- Fiber-filled pillows.
- Body mist sprays.
Step #6: Market your business
You will get your best results by using an integrated marketing approach. This will include having an online presence, media advertising, and networking.
Let’s take a quick look at each of these steps.
Online Marketing
Here are some steps for online marketing:
1. Create an online presence. Build a simple website. You don’t have to hire a designer. You can use a DIY web service where you simply customize a template. If you can, create a WordPress self-hosted blog.
2. Get website traffic. By learning basic SEO strategies and blogging regularly, you will begin to get organic traffic to your blog. You can then promote your website from the blog. However, don’t just rely on the search engines to send you visitors, also try out some free traffic strategies like article marketing, blog commenting, and social media marketing. Another great technique is to contribute to online forums about natural health.
3. Study online marketing. There are numerous ways to create a business online, and by devoting a small amount of time to studying it each day, you can learn profitable ideas like how to use paid traffic, how to develop a landing page, and how to create a solid email marketing strategy.
Offline Marketing
Here are some ideas for a quick start to offline marketing:
1. Place classified ads in newspapers or local magazines in the services section.
2. Distribute flyers and pin up your business cards on bulletin boards.
3. Offer small business owners a referral commission if they let you leave your brochures at their establishment.
4. Offer your clients a referral bonus or a free session if they recommend a friend.
5. Study Guerrilla marketing tactics , which focuses on creating low-budget advertising campaigns.
1. Visit local health practitioners, yoga studios, and other businesses that might be able to send you clients. Introduce yourself and discuss ways you can promote each other’s businesses.
2. Join a business networking group and go to their events.
3. Tell everyone you know about your new business and ask them to come for a free massage and to send family or friends who might be interested in one.
3. Study the art of networking.
Step #7: Provide Excellent Customer Service
With enough marketing, you should be able to get some clients. However, you can’t spend all your time on marketing, so you need another system to grow your existing client base.
The way to do this is through providing excellent customer service. When people come to know, like, and trust you, they will make regular appointments with you. In addition, they will rave about you to everyone they know. Ultimately, word of mouth is the best marketing technique.