In recent years work has become increasingly mobile, and the Covid-19 pandemic has forced millions of people to work from home. A special breed of person has also emerged. They are often young business people, online investors, and entrepreneurs. They may be found in libraries, coffee shops, hotels, or on sunny beaches. They sit connected to their work via smartphones, using wireless internet, or local hotspots.
These individuals have work that can be done from anywhere and maybe earning a passive income. They may start traveling or move to a beautiful country such as Thailand or the Philippines. They are called digital nomads. This article is all about how to become one.
Create An Income Source
The internet is full of life hacks and side hustles. People can learn how to generate passive income and make a quick buck. According to the experts at people want help deciding whether to invest in real estate or cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins. They want business books for beginners and articles about how to work remotely.
It’s one thing when a person lives in their home town and works from a nearby shop. It’s another when they plan to be on the move for months or to stay in a foreign country. The nomad must have an adequate regular income for their activities, plus a financial buffer for emergencies. Sometimes passive incomes dry up or people get stuck in one country. This makes the need for savings and multiple income streams all the more important.
Sort Your Expenses And Access To Funds
Some current bills will be obsolete if you go traveling. Cancel any local gym or club memberships. This will help in saving money for your trips too.
This would be a good time to clear all debts as well; then the focus can be entirely on getting abroad and staying financially independent.
It’s advisable to obtain an international credit card, to ensure you have access to funds wherever you go. Some provide a monitoring service which means you have protection if someone steals your card and starts using it. Use a local ATM rather than an airport one that will be expensive to use.
Think About Your Health
In England, the National Health Service provides free medical care. This is not the case in most other countries. Anyone who plans on traveling abroad should take out travel health insurance. This should cover the necessary medical bills and provide access to a suitable hospital.
There’s no point in cutting corners and taking chances here: emergencies sometimes happen. Medical bills can soon build-up, and some hospitals will not provide help until the finances are sorted.
When you plan on a place to stay abroad, make sure it is near a hospital should something happen.
Learn The Language
There would be nothing worse than needing help abroad and not being able to communicate with anyone. Anyone living in one place for a while will also be keen to make friends with the locals.
Most people can get by traveling to major European countries because so many of the locals speak English. Anyone traveling further afield should start learning key words. Such things as Google Translate may also be indispensable here.
Prepare Your Phone
These days smartphones are used more and more for work. Such things as smart offices are accessed 24/7 by business people. Anyone who is going to be country-hopping therefore needs to have an unlocked phone. When the new country requires a different carrier, a different sim card can be put into the smartphone.
It’s worth researching cell phone boosters. Also, check out the value of having a mobile hotspot MiFi. What it will do is boost the power of any connection to a local hotspot.
Join The Digital Nomad Community
When other people have done what you’re proposing to do, their wisdom can be priceless. It can save you both time and money. Check out such sites as Nomadlist or Couch Surfing. Not only is it a way of gaining new friends and information; it can also connect you to valuable business contacts.
As we can see, there are many things to think about before traveling to become a digital nomad. Many entrepreneurs sit in idyllic locations but have no friends or things to do. As a result, they work crazy hours and eventually burn out.
Perhaps it would be more fun to go with someone or to choose a location where you already know people. Make sure there are great activities and leisure facilities nearby. If it all comes together it may be a dream come true: the perfect income and the perfect location!