Steve Strauss

Senior small business columnist at USA TODAY and author of 15 books, including The Small Business Bible, Steve is your host here at

The Adaptables: Golf Lessons

This is a blog about small business and golf. Luckily for you, you do not read my stuff to get golf tips because I am...

Introducing: The Adaptables, Presented by PayPal

What if I was to tell you that, with regard to small business, this pandemic actually contains a very valuable silver lining? Oh, I can...

Building a network of advisors for your small business

How to get started building a network of advisors by leveraging your connections and community One thing I know about entrepreneurs is that we are...

A beginner’s guide to marketing your business online

Getting the basics right when it comes to your online marketing strategies Do you really need a great website? Well, what if I told you that...

Six easy ways to increase revenue from your website during the...

There are very few good things that can be said about COVID-19 and its effects, but here’s one: It has forced many small businesses to...

How to explode your business with some simple $50 phone software

Every now and then someone shares a new idea/product/business with me and I can’t wait to share it with my tribe. Such is the...

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