Infographic: The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Hiring
Small businesses play an important role in the United States labor market, and they are often considered the “lifeblood” of the U.S. economy. They...
9 Ways Small Businesses Attract Lawsuits
Lawsuits filed by disgruntled employees or independent contractors against small businesses are one of the most vexing problems that business owners continue to face. Here are the top mistakes that small employers make that lead to lawsuits.
Getting Past-Due Customers to Pay Up
How do big corporations get past-due, non-paying customers to pay up? Find out and do what they do
11 Funding Options for Female Entrepreneurs
What is One Funding Option That Exists for Female Entrepreneurs?
To help businesswomen raise capital for their ventures, we asked entrepreneurs and business professionals for...
How to Properly Onboard New Hires
Onboarding is essential as it helps new employees acclimate to their role and understand the company's philosophies. It increases the odds that they'll be...
5 COVID-19 Evolved Business Strategies
Research shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected 76.2% of US businesses. COVID-19 impacted most of these businesses negatively, disrupting everything from their supply...