A Guide to Reopening Your Small Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

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A Guide to Reopening Your Small Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

America is slowly beginning to reopen again, and after suffering through weeks of COVID-19 related business shutdowns, many small business owners are eager to get back to business as usual. If your state or city has announced that it will allow businesses to reopen, it’s important to do so in a way that keeps your employees and customers safe.

Our reopening plan checklist will help ensure you take all the relevant factors into account to develop a well-thought-out plan and includes resources to help you.

Even if reopening is not on the horizon for several weeks or months, it’s a good idea to begin developing a reopening plan now. This will give you time to find out what your customers expect when your business reopens, talk to your employees about reopening, and put supply chains in place to keep your business running smoothly after reopening.

Whether or not to reopen your business as soon as COVID-19 closures are lifted is a choice that only you can make. Take federal, state and local health authority guidelines, as well as your business finances, into account when making your decision.

There are several factors to consider as you develop your business reopening plan:

  • How your business model may need to change to stay competitive
  • What types of sales are needed to break even and when you can expect to become profitable again
  • Where to access the financing you may need to retrofit or adapt your business
  • How to maintain a safe environment for everyone who enters your location
  • Any accommodations your employees may need to return to work
  • How to make customers feel comfortable doing business with you
  • How to market your reopening to build awareness and demand

There’s a lot to think about when reopening your business after coronavirus shutdowns. To get advice about creating your business’s reopening plan, contact a SCORE mentor online or in your community.

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SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.