7 Web Design Statistics for the Perfect Website

Knowledge is power. And this adage is even more relevant when it comes to creating your website. Even if you already have an existing website, gaining more knowledge can help you improve your site, boost your site traffic, increase conversion rates, and generate more leads or subscriptions. New web statistics are always being updated and they provide a trove of information that can be used to create better user experience. Of course, the top web design companies should be well aware of these statistics and how to use them to improve your website.

So if you want to create the perfect website or update your existing site, the following stats should provide you valuable insights.

1. Attractive Graphics

66% of visitors prefer to browse an attractive website which appeals to their eyes. It takes a fraction of a second for the visitors to make an opinion about the website. Beautifully Designed Websites determine how visitors will react to the content. According to an Adobe study, 66% of web users will check a website and evaluate it based on its graphics quality. They make this evaluation within the first few seconds of landing on the website.

2. Brand Recall

It takes a new visitor around 5 to 7 impressions to be able to remember a brand. If you want your online business to succeed, it is important to build great brand recall value. Every time your target audience plans to purchase your products or services, they should remember your brand name.

Your brand name, the choice of colors, and fonts on your website make a big impact on how quickly your brand can grab hold of your visitors’ minds. A successful website is a mixture of design, user experience, branding, loading speed and responsiveness. Make sure to invest in the right type of web hosting so that you can guarantee a high quality experience for visitors.

3. Call to Action

It is surprising that only 30% of small business websites (B2B) have any call to action elements on their homepage. It is highly likely that you may also end up designing a website without this crucial element. If you want to drive results and achieve goals, it is imperative that call to action (CTA) elements are included on your homepage and on other pages as well.

CTA elements help increase your revenue and expand the customer base. CTAs can help you speak about your brand and drive profitable results. Everything depends on an effective CTA, including conversions, business, revenues, and profits. There is no need to create complex CTAs. It can be something as simple as a statement or a button. Some common examples of CTAs include:

  • Add to cart or buy buttons
  • Sign-up for subscription
  • Social media widgets
  • ‘Read More’
  • “More Help”

You can include CTAs anywhere on you homepage or other webpages, including the header, side panel, pop-ups, buying pages, articles, or end of page.

4. First Impression is Important

If you have created a website with great content, it is a good thing. However, if you think that it is going to create a great first impression, you may be mistaken. According to a British study, first impressions are created 94% of the time based on design and 6% of the time on content.

High quality content is invaluable and you cannot think of creating a successful website without it. However, making that first impression and keeping your visitors glued to your pages begins with great design. So if you are going to create a website or tweak your current site, make sure to focus on visual appeal and navigation.

5. Page Load Speeds

If you are going to design a website, make sure it has very fast page load speeds. According to studies, increasing page load speed can reduce your potential loss of conversions by at least 7%. So how do improve your site’s page load speeds?

It is recommended to follow these tips when creating or redesigning your site:

  • Optimize the caches to prevent unnecessary server requests
  • Reduce JavaScript parsing
  • Eliminate redirects to increase page speeds
  • Minify JS and Style Sheets
  • Apply HTML5 and CSS3
  • Reduce average image size
  • Apply AJAX to prevent page refreshing for mobile site data fetch from web server
  • Make use of content delivery network

6. Create Dynamic Personalized Content

According to statistics, 69% of marketers in North America think that creating dynamic personalized content is extremely important for their sites. Such content plays a big role in not just grabbing visitor attention, but also in keeping them on your site for long.

Some of the benefits of creating such content for your site include the following:

  • Personalization allows you to send out special messages to your visitors
  • Connecting at the personal level helps in building brand awareness
  • You can present fresh content every time a visitor lands on your website
  • It is possible to improve the content’s effectiveness by updating it regularly
  • The location of the content can be adjusted for A/B testing, helping you to improve the performance of your site

7. Attention Span

An average visitor spends around 5.59 seconds on a website to look for information that may be of interest to them. That is a very short span of time for giving the user the information that they need. So how can you get around this challenge when creating your site?

Follow the principle of ‘progressive disclosure’ when designing your website’s content strategy. It focuses on providing people with just the brief information that they need at the moment. They are then given the options to look further for additional information. In other words, the design should not bombard visitors with all the information at once. The design should, however, make it easy for them to find the info they need further.

So there is a lot you can learn from these web design statistics. It is important to keep them in mind and follow these findings when creating or redesigning your site. Even if you have a website, it is important to update it periodically. These stats should help you improve your site’s performance and achieve your goals more effectively. Make sure to keep up-to-date with the latest stats. This is important because the digital technology landscape keeps evolving with them.

Simon Horton:

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