7 Reasons Why Cloud Solutions for Businesses is a Must

Cloud solutions have become part of business workflows across nearly all industries. This on-demand computing technology serves up a number of services via the internet, and if you have yet to go cloud, you may be a bit behind the curve.

When it comes to cloud solutions, business owners can access software without developing it themselves, which is expensive. They can also share and store data in a more accessible and secure way. Cloud solutions for businesses is also not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, the cloud market will increase to more than $205 billion next year.

“Organizations are steadily — but not exclusively — shifting their content environments to SaaS. Gartner expects that by 2019, the current enterprise content management (ECM) market will devolve into purpose-built, cloud-based content solutions and solution services applications,” according to research provided by Gartner.

Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) will all see big increases in the near future. But is implementing cloud services right for you? The following are seven reasons why you should.

1. Cloud Gives You a Competitive Edge

If you have not yet tapped into the cloud, you can be sure your competitors have. And that is not good for your business. The reason why so many people are switching to cloud solutions is that they get instant access to enterprise grade technology. If you are in a competitive industry, implementing cloud computing into your workflow could a significant impact on your bottom line.

2. Boast Your Commitment to the Environment

Energy consumption of businesses may seem trivial to some, but many people, including your customers care about the environment. Moving your business processes and workflows to the cloud is in a way being environmentally responsible. Why? Because you are not sucking up energy you don’t need, and when it’s time to scale, you only amp up to meet your growth needs. Pretty cool right?

3. Enhance Security Cost Effectively

There is a lot of talk about cyber attacks, security, and the responsibility of businesses and people who offer a service or product to have strict security protocols in place. Now you can enhance your security without paying truckloads of money for it. This is important, because a data breach can pretty much spell disaster for any business, both large and small.

4. Encompass a Collaborative Digital Workspace

There are a lot of bottlenecks in business. However, switching to cloud computing and employing a few cloud solutions, you can easily widen those bottlenecks. This is because when your workspace is powered by the cloud, you, your teams, and even your clients can access projects, share tasks, offer instant feedback, deliver live reporting, and more. Think of project management on steroids — that’s the cloud at work.

5. Actually Be as Remote as You Want

This is a definite reason for business owners that love to be on the go and not in an office. As remote work and the life of the digital nomad becomes more popular, you will need a way to access, connect, and deliver results while being 100 percent mobile. This is one of the biggest reasons why cloud technology will increase their market value exponentially in the years to come.

6. Never Worry About Server or Software Management Again

This can be a really big bonus for developers and business owners who are in the tech realm. The number of updates needed every year are increasing and staying on top of those updates can be a real time suck, especially for busy business owners. However, the cloud takes those updates off your plate. Servers are off-site and managed by experts, and software is automated for quality performance regularly. It’s a win-win!

7. Cloud Technology is Affordable

Lastly, what’s a better reason to make a change than affordability. Cloud technology was once pretty expensive, but as innovation continues in this space, the price for cloud solutions has become cost effective for just about anyone and any business. If price was an issue before, you may be surprised how low costs have gone down in recent years.

In Conclusion . . .

Cloud technology and solutions are certainly worth looking deeper into. The reasons above are only the tip of the iceberg. There are a whole lot more cloud technology serves up for businesses large and small. From enhanced security to getting work accomplished while on the go, there are benefits abound when it comes to implementing cloud services into your workflow.

Samantha Acuna: Samantha Acuna is a writer based in San Francisco, CA. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, and Yahoo Small Business.

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