7 Mobile Apps for Managing Your Business

In today’s fast-paced business world, the need to be able to be connected at all times is paramount, especially for small businesses with few employees. The problem, however, is that you can’t be at your desk 24/7 to coordinate your team and fix every issue that arises. Fortunately, if you know where to look, mobile developers have you covered. Nearly every aspect of your business can now be run from your smartphone or tablet. If that sounds like a welcome proposition to you, take a look at these apps:

Expensify puts all of your company’s expense reporting in one easy-to-use space. Take pictures of receipts to add to reports, track mileage and cash expenditures and automatically import card purchases. Business owners – easily track all employee expenses, and even reimburse them from within the app.

Dropbox is one of the best known solutions for cloud storage. Store and edit documents, photos, videos, notes and more on any computer or mobile device. Share anything with friends, clients or employees quickly and easily.

Evernote is the ultimate catch-all for your brain – article ideas, recipes, notes about projects, photos, inspirational quotes, voice recordings – you name it, you can store it in Evernote. Use Skitch to mark up pictures before you save them, and use Reminders to make sure you don’t miss important events. In addition to this, Evernote Hello is a great way to store and remember contacts.

Basecamp is an excellent way to keep projects organized. Set to-do lists for each employee, track progress in real time, post client information, have discussions, store and organize files, and much more. Best of all, you can easily access all of this information from any web browser!

SnapDat lets you create a virtual business card to share instead of just giving out your phone number. You can even make multiple cards for business and personal information. Share your card instantly with other SnapDat users, or email a copy of your card to anyone to save.

Outright is a business finance app that lets you track where and how you spend your money, in a similar function as the popular personal finance app Mint. Automatically sort your purchases into categories, get alerts when your accounts have low balances, and much, much more. A nice bonus touch are the profit & loss reports that allow you to keep tabs on the financial health of your business no matter where you are.

Away from the office and need to sign an important document? SignNow has you covered. Sign anything from anywhere, create signing links you can SMS, email or post online, and track all your signed papers quickly and easily.

These mobile apps can certainly make your life easier, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Have a favorite app that’s not on the list? Share it with us below!

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