6 Ways PPC Can Lead To More Leads

It may just be the start of the new year, but if you want to drive more leads to your business this year, there is no better way to do so than by opting for pay per click advertising services. There are a number of reasons for doing so and, in addition to increasing sales, you only pay for clicks, meaning that it’s a cost-effective way to generate the results you need. We’re taking a closer look, below!

1. It Boosts Traffic

One of the key benefits of PPC is that it can boost the amount of traffic visiting your website, increasing the chance of conversion. Regardless whether you link your PPC ads directly to your website or another relevant landing page, more people will begin to search for your brand. It’s a win-win!

2. It Increases Sales

As more people visit your website, your sales will also increase. This is because people often like to research a product or service first, prior to investing in it. A person who searches for a product is more likely to make a purchase, which is exactly where Paid Search comes in. You can utilise the targeting capabilities of Google Ads to increase the chance of securing a deal. What’s more, if a customer is happy with the service you provided, they are likely to become repeat customers, supporting your business on a long-term basis.

3. Only Pay For Clicks

In addition to being in full control of various advertising costs through PPC, with Paid Search, you only pay for clicks, helping you to save money where possible. The key to a successful PPC campaign, however, is to stay away from bidding wars for highly competitive keywords or terms. Don’t fall into the trap!

4. Understand Performance In Real Time

Unlike traditional marketing methods, PPC enables you to breakdown the performance of your campaign in real time. It’s accessible 24/7, 365 days a year, meaning that you never have to wait for your results to funnel through. You can then use this data to create the perfect advertising campaign for your business and its needs on an ongoing basis, helping to further shape your overall marketing plan.

5. It Increases Brand Recognition

Like a number of other online marketing channels, PPC helps to build your brand recognition which, in turn, will generate more leads. This is where remarketing comes in. As some shoppers are more likely to make a purchase having seen an ad a number of times, remarketing enables you to share an ad for your product or service after they have already visited your website. In other words, it “jogs their memory”.

6. Keep Up With Your Competitors

Another advantage of PPC campaigns, is that they allow you to keep up with you competitors as, chances are, they are also utilising PPC tactics to boost their online advertising efforts. Whether you are a small, medium or large business, you can utilise pay per clicks niche targeting opportunities to fill in the gaps that your competitors may have missed. Not only is this a great way to ensure that your campaign remains budget-friendly, but it will help to make sure that you don’t miss out on market share!

There are a number of benefits of PPC. In addition to boosting your sites traffic, it helps to increase the recognition of your brand, driving more leads to your business. Will you integrate PPC into your current marketing strategy this year?

John Pearson: John is a serial entrepreneur and writer who is passionate about helping small businesses launch and grow. His work has been featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Forbes.

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