6 Ways To Keep Yourself and Your Team Motivated

This post was written by Fiverr®, the world’s largest marketplace of online services for entrepreneurs.

Running a startup can be a tedious task. Aside from the initial launch, new entrepreneurs are bound to hit many rough spots along the path to success. That’s why it’s so important for startup leaders to stay motivated through the tough times. Likewise, employees must also be encouraged to stay focused and maintain a positive outlook for whatever lies ahead.

Luckily, in the early phases of a startup’s development, it’s pretty easy to keep employees excited about the new venture. New staff members are always eager to take on challenges, and the entire team shares a passion for their particular product or service. Additionally, the financial payoffs serve as another incentive for putting in the extra effort to work long hours.

Nevertheless, every entrepreneur knows that it takes quite a bit of time for a startup to flourish. As a result, many founders may be wondering how to keep their team motivated once the business has taken off.

Here are 6 tips to keep yourself and your team motivated:

Reinforce your company’s vision: When you hired your first employee, you had a clear vision for your venture. Despite the lower pay or long work hours, your employees were willing to work with you to achieve your goals and be a part of a new, exciting adventure. Don’t let yourself forget about the founding principles of your startup! Always remind your staff that you’re in this together, and reinforce your mission as much as possible.

Lead without fear: The best leaders never let fear stand in their way on the road to success. If you let fear get the best of you, it’s highly unlikely that your startup will thrive. In order to encourage your team to work together and put forth their best efforts, you have to be prepared to set a strong example. Take a stand and execute your ideas with confidence.

Grant equity to your employees: Motivate your team by providing them with a stock options plan. By granting equity to your staff, they will soon feel more like a part-owner rather than just another employee.

Reward hard work with food: If you’re looking for an easy way to treat your team, food will always do the trick! Set up a weekly staff lunch to reward them for putting in extra hours. Best of all, hosting team lunches enables employees to bond, and may even help them stay focused for the rest of the day.

Organize social events outside of work: After a long day at work, employees need time to recharge and set their minds at ease. Planning social gatherings outside of the office can help employees establish friendships with one another. You can even invite employees’ families to join in on the fun.

Be flexible to your team’s needs: Keeping your employees happy is crucial to the success of your startup. That’s why you should always strive to accommodate to the needs of your team. Allow them to work from home or take a day off for a special family gathering every now and then. If your employees are happy, they will be much more productive and valuable to your venture.


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