5 Ways Self-Employed Copywriters Can Stand Out Online

If you are tired of getting paid pennies on the dollar of what you know you are worth as a writer, there are plenty of people out there that feel the same way. Writing might be your passion, but if you want to get paid on your passion, you have to figure out how to stand out online from all of the other writers. Why are you the best choice? Why is someone looking for a freelancer going to choose to even look at your work let alone take the time to do an interview before hiring you?

When you understand your value and you can confidently tell people why you deserve to be hired, you have a much better chance at being hired. Instead of trying to haggle with people over a few dollars here and there, you should confidently move forward without working with people that do not see the value of your writing. Learn how to stand out online and you won’t have to deal with clients like this or be a starving writer.

1. Connect On Social Media

Social media is a powerful way to show people who you are and get to know them as well. Depending on the platform that you are on, you can generate a large client base some networking through these channels.

Two of the highly effective channels that you can network on for jobs are LinkedIn and Twitter. Of course, LinkedIn makes sense because everyone is on LinkedIn looking for business or looking for talent, but Twitter you might be a little confused about.

First, with LinkedIn, you need to make sure that you are showcasing your talent and showcasing your ability to be a highly valuable writer. You can do this through the publishing platform on LinkedIn by uploading great content that makes people want to read more. Find people in your space that are likely to be connected to people that are looking for writers so that you can get referrals as well as directly network with people that want to hire you.

The larger that your spread your net on social media, the more likely you are going to be able to catch the type of clients that you want to work with.

When it comes to Twitter, this is a great place to network because you can easily retweet great content and start @ messages to people of interest.

2. Pick Up The Phone

While you do want to stand out online, if you connect with someone on LinkedIn or Twitter, offer to have a phone call to talk about their needs. Many writers never offer to do a phone call and miss out on a great opportunity to build rapport.

Even if you have higher rates than someone of a similar quality of work, you are likely to get the job that you want if you build rapport with the person hiring. Of course they have to have the budget for it, but you are putting yourself in a good place.

3. Have a Well Put Together Website

Marketing your copywriting services online without a website is definitely more difficult than if you have a well put together website that showcases your content. Make sure that you site is quick so potential clients can go through it quickly without any disturbance. If you have a slow site on the WordPress platform, there are dozens of tips to speed up WordPress and ensure that you give the best user experience when you have website visitors.

Make sure that you check through your entire site for any errors. People want writers that pay attention to detail so making sure you own site is set up beautifully is important.

4. Great Headshot

When people come to your site or your profile, you need to make sure that you have a great headshot. A friendly smiling headshot will go a long way over a serious looking and sour photo. It’s a headshot, not a mug shot. Show your personality. No one wants to work with someone that looks grumpy. Stand out by showing who you are in your photo so that people remember you.

5. Features On Top Sites

If you want to gain serious respect and attention, go after by lines from top sites online. Sites like Forbes will allow great content on their site which will give you credibility and you may even get some clients that see you on these sites as well. Make sure that you put your best work on these sites since there could be thousands of people reading your article. If you don’t submit your best articles to sites like these, you may not get accepted so don’t hold back.


When you are self-employed, it doesn’t have to be feast or famine. You can make sure that is it feast or bigger feast instead. Make sure to start marketing yourself through the methods outlined above so you are able to get the clients that you deserve. Instead of working for peanuts, you could be doing what you love and getting paid a premium for the work that you do.

While it can take a while for the results to come to you, if you build up your online presence and continue to network, you can build a writing career where you can work from anywhere without having to worry about surviving on instant ramen.

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Chris Lewis:

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