5 Free Apps for Running Your Business from Your Phone

In the world of startups and self-employment, it often pays to be frugal – quite literally. It also pays to be mobile. When competition is fierce and money is tight, even the smallest advantage can make all the difference. With the growth of technology, tools that are not only free, but also allow you to work anywhere can be your financial lifeline. WIth this in mind, the following collection of apps were compiled for businesses or startups looking for cost-effective ways to make their business more mobile.

An online presence is imperative nowadays and WordPress seems to be the platform of choice. According to Forbes, WordPress powers one of every six sites on the internet. Creating an online presence is fairly simple, but keeping it up to date and managing blog posts or product updates is another story. Thankfully, WordPress has an app that allows you to access and update your site through mobile devices. It can be used if you have a hosted WordPress.com account or your own self-hosted site. Now, no matter where you are, you can take advantage of free time and update your site when it’s most convenient for you, even without a computer.
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Google Analytics
Working in a tech start up, I’m naturally a bit of a Google aficionado. Largely, because they provide such great software for such great value. This is especially true in the case of Google Analytics. This essentially acts as the benchmark for all other analytics apps out there. Remarkable when you consider that it’s also free. With it you can track, analyze and optimize your website, allowing you to measure its effectiveness while also examining where that traffic is coming from. Provided you’ve got a website, this could prove a vital marketing tool.
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My Price
Integral to startup success is selling your product or service for the appropriate value. Underprice and you’ll stand to lose potential revenue, overprice and you might struggle to land clients and customers. Essentially it’s a balancing act and a tricky one at that. Fortunately, My Price can make things a little easier on this front. With it, you can calculate how much you should charge for your creative services, taking under account factors like the project, client, location, as well as your education and experience. If you’re business is amongst the more creative and knowledge based, then it’s a very useful app.
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When it comes to your business finances, you’re going to want something to help you manage them. After all, running a successful business is all about being savvy with your cash. Among its features, Pageonce can provide an overview of all of your bills and bank account balances. You can also view due dates, transactions, and even pay your bills using the platform. Most importantly, you can also set up real-time alerts and reminders about upcoming bills. Managing cash flow can be made a lot easier with this app.
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Thomson Reuters News Pro
It often pays to be aware of the latest news and industry developments, particularly as a startup business and even more so in the current economic environment. With the Thomson Reuters based app this task becomes easier and more effective, as it allows users to personalize and customize their newsfeed to suit them. Elsewhere, it also provides a customizable watch list, allowing users to monitor stocks. There’s also a feature providing detailed company profiles, including business descriptions, officer and director profiles and contact details. A useful tool for the ambitious among you.
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Mark James is a UK based Writer who specializes in Business and Technology. He currently works in-house for Crunch, a UK online accountancy firm.

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