5 Essentials Video Marketing Statistics You Need to Know to Put You Ahead of the Competition in 2020

In 2020, we’re getting more and more surrounded by an abundance of video content day in and day out. With almost 1 million video content uploaded every single second, the internet undeniably becomes a chockablock place of videos.

The latest statistics over the last few years clearly show that video trends are not going away anytime soon, and it presents an enormous opportunity for every marketer – from small businesses to big corporations.

This ever-growing craze for video trends shifts customers’ habits and sets to shape digital content consumption. In this case, marketers increasingly embrace the significance of video content for their business marketing.

As more businesses jump into video marketing, there’s no disputing that the level and noise of competition is ramping up.

But, considering there are also some massive benefits of video marketing for your business and brand, how can you afford to miss out on that?

Here are the top 5 hand-picked video marketing statistics to give you a sneak peek into 2020’s video marketing landscape and sets you apart from your competition.

Statistics #1. More than 42% of customers convinced to buy a product after watching an online video advertisement

It’s relatively common knowledge that nothing comes close to video content when it comes to customers’ engagement tools.

Viewers retain at least 95% of the information when they watch it through video. Thanks to the human brain, that has always processed moving-images ridiculously 60,000 times faster than words.

The visual of video content allows viewers to relate to the message you deliver. So, it’s not only sufficient to grab viewers’ attention in the first place, but it also keeps it.

Now it all makes sense that 72% of customers prefer to learn a product or a service through video, while 42% of them take action after they watch a compelling online video advertisement.

Key takeaway: Doubting about the power of video as a marketing tool is no longer blissful. As online video consumption and creation are at an all-time high, it’s crucial for your business to continually optimize your video marketing strategy in order to remain competitive.

Statistics #2. Social videos are dominating global consumer internet video traffic

In 2020, online video hype is predicted to its upward surge and account for more than 82% of all customers’ internet traffic. From that massive number, social media immensely plays a big part in the ever-growing video online usage and consumption.

With almost 3.5 billion active users, social media has become go-to platforms for marketers to host their video content.

Almost 2 billion YouTube active users watch 1.5 billion videos every day on the platform alone. Besides, more than 800 million Instagram users scroll through their feed to watch short-video each day.

Not to mention 1.6 billion Facebook daily active users that also watch an average of 8 billion video content daily.

These rapid social media usages undoubtedly drive massive online video consumption. So, it’s no wonder that online video consumption shows no signs of slowing down over the past few years.

Key takeaway: From all the staggering numbers above, jumping into social media to market your video is a smart way to know what kind of online video is getting the hype and what is your target audiences are consuming.

It makes it much easier to give you insights into what type of online video you should craft so you can continuously keep up with the competition cost-effectively.

Statistics #3. Online video consumption through mobile devices doubles every year

The proliferation of mobile internet and smartphone access in emerging markets is driving consumers’ online video preferences.

Internet users are 1.5 times more likely to watch an online video through their mobile devices, and 92% of them also share online videos on their social networks every day.

Consequently, online video consumption unavoidably rises to 100% each year.

Considering that 82% of internet users find it off-putting to watch online videos that are not optimized in their chosen orientation, it’s essential to give them a suitable format for a better viewing experience so that you can make them stay.

Therefore, if you’re serious about creating compelling videos, you should stay on toes to focus on close-up shots and adapt the latest trends to accommodate the mobile screens.

Key takeaway: Since mobile internet users generally use their devices on the go, adopting a vertical video or short-video format is a smart way to capture their attention from the first few seconds.

Statistics #4. More than 95% of customers watch an explainer video to learn more about a brand

There are some types of videos you can use in your video marketing campaign. But, one of the most effective is explainer videos.

As we already know, internet users have less spare time than ever. They prefer quick, straightforward solutions to solve their problems. This is where explainer videos come like a breath of fresh air.

The best thing about explainer video is they effortlessly simplify complex ideas into snackable content.

So it’s reasonable that at least 95% of your potential customers watch an explainer video to learn more about your product or service.

With just only 90 seconds of fun, captivating explanation– featuring endearing characters and relatable storytelling, it is much easier for your target customers to get a grasp of what message you want to convey.

Key takeaway: It’s essential to keep your explainer video short. Also, focus on the first 10 seconds by addressing your target customers’ problem. Next, offer them an end-to-end solution with your brand.

Statistics #5. Placing a video on the landing page can increase conversion of more than 80%

Other than social media, the best place to put your video online is your landing page.

Aside from making your landing page looks much better and more professional, video content can also increase your conversion of more than 80%.

Putting a video on your landing page is a unique way to cover and explain a bunch of information in a short period of time to your visitors.

Since internet users have not much time to read what you’ve written on your website, video content helps them to know better about your product without having to read the text-based description.

Now you have a reason why internet users spend 88% more time browsing on websites that have videos on it.

Key takeaway: One of the tips that most of the video marketer overlooks is putting an autoplay video with sounds on their landing page. Most of your visitors find it annoying. So, giving them full control over when to play the video instead is a wise idea.


It’s no longer a surprise that video marketing remains one of the best content marketing strategies to be put at the forefront of your business strategy.

By all means, if you haven’t jumped into the video marketing craze, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

The ever-growing video marketing landscape keeps you on your toes when it comes to new ways of reaching customers and increasing brand awareness.

Learning and knowing the competition can be a big help to define a good strategy and make informed decisions for your next video campaign.

To help you with that, we’ve collated some essentials video marketing statistics so that you can get a good sense of where video marketing is headed in 2020.

Courtesy of: Breadnbeyond
Andre Oentoro: Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, close more sales and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

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