Being involved in an accident can be a scary and dangerous situation. Whether it is a slip and fall accident at a grocery store or an auto collision on the highway, the injuries you sustain can take you out of commission for quite a while. If you are a self-employed individual, your financial livelihood depends on your running your business day after day. When dealing with injuries from an accident, you may have to take some time off. In situations like this, filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party that caused your accident is essential. Are you in need of a lawyer to help you deal with this type of case? You can learn more about hiring a defense lawyer here https://www.ohiovalleypilawyers.com/ . Here are just some of the things a self-employed individual will need to be aware of when filing this type of lawsuit.
1. You Will Need to Get Proof of Lost Income
A person who works for a company who works for a company will usually have little problem providing proof of the lost income they have incurred as a result of their injuries. Since the amount of money a self-employed individual makes will fluctuate, getting this kind of proof can be a bit difficult. You will need to gather up all of your tax returns for the past few years so your lawyer can get an idea of how much money you make. Once they have this information, they can come up with a financial figure regarding the wages you will lose as a result of your injuries. Your lawyer will also be able to calculate the future income you will lose out on when they get a look at what you have earned in the past.
2. Bring In Your Accident Report
If you have been involved in a car accident, you will usually be given an accident report by the members of law enforcement who worked the scene. This report will lay out all of the details of the accident and will usually make an assumption regarding who was at fault.
Many of the accident reports law enforcement will fill out will include statements from the people who witnessed what happened. In order to start building your case, a personal injury attorney will need this type of information. If you are still in the attorney consultation phase, you will need to show each prospective lawyer with report. Once they get a look at it they can tell you whether or not they think the case is worth pursuing.
3. Your Lawyer Will Need to See Medical Records
When going in to meet with an attorney for the first time, a self-employed individual will also need to bring in all of the medical records pertaining to their accident. A lawyer will need to look over these records to find out just how serious your injuries are. Each state is different regarding the amount of compensation they allow for particular injuries. A lawyer will be able to give you a fair assessment of how much compensation you are entitled to.
4. Avoid Speaking to Insurance Companies Without Your Lawyer Present
For the most part, insurance companies want to pay accident victims as little as possible. Usually, these companies will use a variety of tactics to get an injured person to settle their case before attorneys get involved. These insurance companies know that as soon as attorneys are involved, the overall price of the settlement will increase. If you keep getting calls from the insurance company representing the other party in your accident, you need to calmly tell them you want to consult with your lawyer before making any decisions regarding a settlement.
The longer a self-employed individual waits to pursue a personal injury claim, the higher the chance will become of the statute of limitations running out. Going in for a number of consultations with area lawyers is the only way to find the right one for the job at hand.