4 Serious Dangers Pregnant Women Should Be Familiar With

Finding out you’re pregnant is one of the happiest things a person can find out. It is a bliss to carry your baby and watch your belly grow month by month. The mother-child love instantly initiates between you and your baby whom you haven’t seen yet. Pregnant women are keen to check on their babies regularly in many ways. They constantly touch their bellies to feel the babies’ movement and have ultrasound scans to make sure everything is okay. Sometimes pregnant women could be in danger, yet they don’t know the signs.

Read on to know four dangerous signs pregnant women should be aware of.

Vaginal Bleeding

On the one hand, a lot of pregnant women experience light spotting in the first trimester. Although spotting at this time is considered normal, you should discuss it with your doctor or midwife. On the other hand, bleeding isn’t a normal thing to happen. A pregnant woman who faces vaginal bleeding should be taken to a hospital as it could be a sign of miscarriage or an infection.

Unreliable Healthcare

If you’re about to give birth or just entered the third trimester, make it a priority to read about delivery methods. Some women deliver naturally, without medical involvement; some require to be taken to hospitals, and others have cesarean births. Some doctors may advise you to use an epidural to facilitate your natural delivery; however, it could cause maternal death if applied improperly. Make sure you follow up with a trustworthy doctor who will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of the mother and baby altogether.

Severe Headache

It is common for pregnant women to experience headaches. They may feel uncomfortable, but they’re harmless for the baby. Severe headaches, however, could be a symptom of preeclampsia, a problem that pregnant women may have when they’re around 20 weeks pregnant. Preeclampsia could cause danger if not treated, therefore, you should call your doctor immediately if you have a severe headache. Also, vomiting, blurred vision, and sudden swelling in your face, legs, and hands are signs of preeclampsia.

Baby Stops Moving

One of the most significant things pregnant women feel is their babies starting to move. Usually, you should feel these movements or “quickening” anywhere between weeks 16 and 26 of your pregnancy. The baby’s kicks become even stronger in the second and third trimesters. Doctors explain that there isn’t a specific number of kicks that a pregnant woman should monitor, yet they advise that less than ten movements within two hours is a dangerous sign, where you have to contact your healthcare immediately.

As much as it’s a joy to carry your baby in your womb, it is also stressful as you’re trying to become protective of this little one. As long as you’re eating healthy and avoiding anything that could harm your baby, you shouldn’t be stressed. However, it is important to know the dangers you might face during your pregnancy to be able to overcome them and have a healthy and safe delivery.

Sasha Douglass:

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